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Search results for query: *

  1. dirksm

    DropDownList on VB asp.net DataGrid

    I'm trying to get a dropdownlist on a datagrid in asp.net (writing VB code). The dropdownlist should be connected to another table in my database, to function as a look-up for foreign keys in the grid's table. This way I want to prevent users from typing invalid values in the grid. Does anybody...
  2. dirksm

    Prepared Query Parameters

    No, that's not it. I think I have really tried every possible combination of date formats and also tried quotes, no quotes, hashes, etc. Here's the code where I set the parameters: comUpdate.Parameters(0) = "Y" comUpdate.Parameters(1) = "FIELD2&quot...
  3. dirksm

    Prepared Query Parameters

    Hi All. I've got a VB6 program in which I use a adodb.command object to create a prepared query. This query uses parameters, i.e "where company_no=?". Later in my program I give a value to this parameter, i.e "command1.parameters(0)="1234". All of this works fine, until...
  4. dirksm

    Screen Resolution Problems

    Hi All. I have a problem in VB when using different screen resolutions. I'm using the SysInfo control to resize my form whenever the resolution changes, however the controls (which I have grouped together on a frame) does not resize with the form. This causes some of the controls on my form to...
  5. dirksm

    How do I display RTF fields?

    Hi All. I've got a DB2 database with a LONG VARCHAR field, which I use to store rich-text. I link MS Access to this database to create reports. My problem is that the reports displays the field exactly the way it is stored. If you look at rich text, you'll see that all the formatting is stored...
  6. dirksm

    MS AccessPath needed

    Thanx CajunCenturion!!!!!!!!! It finally works perfectly!! You really stuck with me for a long time through this, thank you very, very much for all your time and effort. It is greatly appreciated.
  7. dirksm

    MS AccessPath needed

    Sorry if my previous post seemed a bit out of place - asking a question you have allready answered! - but my internet connection has been going a bit screwy, so I posted the next question before I received you answer. Sorry! (And by the time this is posted, I might have missed some replies...
  8. dirksm

    MS AccessPath needed

    OK! I finally get the path to the exe, but it gets cut off at the first space, or so I presume. The result for *.mdb file just gives "C:\Program", I suppose the "Files\Office\etc." gets cut of by VB because of the space. How do I fix this? Or, following on petermeachem's...
  9. dirksm

    MS AccessPath needed

    Oh Dear! I tried the code but I keep on getting an empty string! Actually, I get a return code of 2, but the MSDN doesn't tell me what that is supposed to mean. Does anybody know what the "two" means? Maybe you also know what I did wrong? Here's the code: Private Declare Function...
  10. dirksm

    MS AccessPath needed

    Oh Dear! I tried the code but I keep on getting an empty string! Actually, I get a return code of 2, but the MSDN doesn't tell me what that is supposed to mean. Does anybody know what the "two" means? Maybe you also know what I did wrong? Here's the code: Private Declare Function...
  11. dirksm

    MS AccessPath needed

    Thanx Guys! Just for completeness, I'm calling Access to do some reporting on a DB2 database with a Visual Basic interface. I've found VB's reporting tool to be a bit limited, so I'm using Access. Sunaj - This must be like the 100'th time I got some really great help from you! Thanx for...
  12. dirksm

    MS AccessPath needed

    Hi All. Does anybody know how to get the path to Microsoft Access in VB? I've been looking at the registry but I can't find any key that specifically indicates the path. The user could use any version of Access, so I would like to not have my search limited by Access's version number. This is...
  13. dirksm

    Shell Help Needed

    Hi All. I'm using the Shell function to run to batch programs. The first batch file starts a database manager and the second batch file creates tables in the database. These two commands are part of one "Create Database" on_click event. Both these commands work perfectly on their own...
  14. dirksm

    GetTempPath Help Needed

    Thanx Guys!!!
  15. dirksm

    GetTempPath Help Needed

    Hi All. Can anybody help me with the GetTempPath API call? I've got the Private Declare Function GetTempPath Lib "kernel32" Alias "GetTempPathA" (ByVal nBufferLength As Long, ByVal lpBuffer As String) As Long declare in my form, but there seems to be some trickery...
  16. dirksm

    VB and MS Word

    I have been using the OLE container, however I find that sometimes when I click on it, it adds the Word menu options to my app(which is what I want), but other times it opens Word itself in a seperate window(which I don't want). Any idea what I'm doing to cause this? You say I must add an menu...
  17. dirksm

    VB and MS Word

    Can anybody give some advise on how to diplay(open as read-only) and edit(open for read and write) a MS Word document in a VB application without actually opening Word? The user should be able to open an existing document or create a new one. Any help on which components to use, what the code...
  18. dirksm

    VB, OLE and BLOBS

    Still no progress! I'll get back to this later, but please let me know if anything comes up that might help me. Well now for the second part. Suppose I managed to read the BLOB from the database and saved the output to file using the code you supplied. How do I open the file for view only and...
  19. dirksm

    VB, OLE and BLOBS

    Hi. I tried the code on my DB2 database which has only on table called BLOB_TABLE with two field, KEY_COL (INTEGER) and BLOB_COL(BLOB), but I ran into some problems. As soon as I call the recordset's UPDATE method I receive an error. I either get a "WRONG NUMBER OF PARAMETERS" or a...
  20. dirksm

    VB, OLE and BLOBS

    Thanx, but I'm still lost!! Could you maybe give me some more detail or some sample code? I know I must sound really stupid, but I'm very new (and intimidated) by all of this. Thanx for your time.

Part and Inventory Search
