Somebody can help me to use the StartDoc API cal ?
I success using the OpenPrinter and ClosePrinter calls, but I don't find how to use StartDoc. Can you give me a code sample for an api call with a pointer to a structure as parameter ??
!!!! How to declare the structure and fill it in VFP ...
Thanks for your answer, but I got always the same error : OLE error code 0x80004002: No such interface supported.
I use VFP 7.0, and the .NET dll was made using C# and registered using Regsvcs.exe
If i call an other dll method which ask for an integer, no problems.
I can send you this test dll...
Hi, I use some .NET dll to link my VFP applications to Web Services. it's works fine with standardss parameters, but not when I try to call a method with an object as parameter. Sample = create a custon object named myCustomer, add properties firstname, lastname, and call a dll with customer...
Hi all !
I've a problem using ActiveX controls like Listview or Treeview, when I need to overlap this control by an other control. The OLEControl is always bring on top of other controls at run-time. At design-time it's correct. The same prb when I want at run-time extend a control over the...
Hi, your have an other way to get the desired precision using the currency value (p.ex when you've an unit price and a quantity to obtain the correct total price). Use the mton() function to convert your creency values to double !
Whis your exemple, use mton(x)/mton(y)*mton(z) the result will be...
Thnks for your replies, I already use string, integers, etc with @ fir send parameters in the API call. My problem is how to do when the API return a pointer....The samples sites you give are very interesting ! Have good days (and sorry for my English !)
I've some problems usind call of API when the function return a PChar. How can I read the value pointed by the Pchar within VFP ?
Also with the types of parameters or values like Byte,Boolean,Struct...
Thank's for your help !
Jean Paul
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