Thanks Skip and electricpete,
rstart = 3
i = 1
'Insert column at column B of LineHours16 worksheet
Selection.Insert Shift:=xlToRight, CopyOrigin:=xlFormatFromLeftOrAbove
'Insert row on row 2 of LineHours16 worksheet...
adding the code as electricpete suggested:
Dim myRange As Range
MsgBox Worksheets("LineHours16").Name ‘Returns LineHours16
MsgBox Worksheets("LineHours16").Range("C2:C500").Address ‘Returns $C$2:$C$500
Set myRange = ActiveSheet.Range("C2:C500")
MsgBox myRange.Parent.Name ‘Returns LineHours16...
It appears the Set myRange is returning empty. I made Worksheets("lineHours16") the active window and created a msgbox indicating what the active sheet is and LineHours16 is returned. But for some reason the myRange is not working correctly.
I was unaware that you had to Dim...
Yes, I did look at the subtotals, but I don't want to show subtotals, and I will be doing additional calculations to the data. I originally (before Excel 2007) was able to export data from a report that had my formating in place..I am trying to duplicate by importing the data from an...
Hello and thanks in advance for your help. Having troubles using the Set myrange = Worksheets("LineHours16").range("C2:C500"). This is used for lcount which counts the number of rows equal to line value. I had this working yesterday morning, but it's not working anylonger. Here is the code...
Thanks PHV
I changed the code as follows.
Dim appTraffic As Access.Application
Set appTraffic = CreateObject("Access.Application")
appTraffic.Visible = False 'Run database in background
appTraffic.OpenCurrentDatabase "D:\Data\ProdDataTraffic.accdb" 'Open ProdDatTraffic database...
I have a excel macro set up to launch Access using the Shell command and then I want to run a macro in Access. This works fine under office 2003, but does not work under 2007. I get and error "Object Required" on the DoCmd.RunMacro "mcrShipReq". Here is what I have:
Dim appTraffic...
Yes, that is what I'm looking for. Both stacked and clusterd together.
I also thought about the separate charts, but haven't tried yet. Will look into that.
Can Excel 2007 do what I'm looking for? Our company will be going to Office 2007 in 1st quarter.
Thanks again
Hi Skip
Thanks for the reply. I do use formulas to get the values I want to plot for columns MG,MY,MR such as =IF(E4>=F4,E4,NA()) =IF(AND(E4<F4,E4>E3),E4,NA()) =IF(AND(E4<F4,E4<E3),E4,NA()) to create my Green, Yellow, Red series of bars. I then use the stack chart to merge them together...
I am trying to chart a MTD and YTD series of data, but want the fill format for stacked bar chart to change based on a formula. The colors I'm using are Red, Yellow, and Green. I can get the first series to work under a stacked chart, but when adding the second series I'm having difficulty. I...
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