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Search results for query: *

  1. chequi


    Hi: I need to develop a program for a pocket pc to collect data and through riding a car to get and save the total distance run at any stop I make. After adquiring the pocket pc with gps enabled, what do I need to read the data(total distance) produced by the GPS and store it in my pocket?. I...
  2. chequi

    Opening Access 2003 database using VB code (exe file)

    Here is an example: DBNAME = "mynewdb.mdb" gsDatabase = DBPATH & DBNAME gsmdw = App.Path & "\sasssdbf\" & "MedAudit.mdw" If nuevosistema Then connstr = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;" _ & "Data Source=" & gsDatabase & ";" _ & "Jet...
  3. chequi

    Inputbox - can you set maximum length?

    Strongm: I am not a big leaguer but I can find my way to solve my problem. Thank you anyway. Chequi.
  4. chequi

    Inputbox - can you set maximum length?

    Hello: I am glad to know there is a solution. Thanks to both of you WZUP and Strongm. But it seems I need more help. Strongm says: " Either way you get the handle of the window being created, and can send it a message. In this case you want to send the EM_LIMITTEXT message, e.g. SendMessage...
  5. chequi

    Inputbox - can you set maximum length?

    Yes. But I am trying to do is to set a maximum length as you do with a text box; so that the user can not enter in excess of those characters. Chequi.
  6. chequi

    Inputbox - can you set maximum length?

    Hello: I need to know if you can set a maximum length for an inputbox in VB6 ? Thanks. Chequi.
  7. chequi

    Doevents - after db.execute is not performing as I expected

    Hello: In VB6 I am using code as follows: gsdatabase = "C:\Program Files\OEGReport\oegdb.mdb" connstr = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;" _ & "Data Source=" & gsdatabase & ";" _ & "Persist Security Info=False;User Id =...
  8. chequi

    Insert Into - from Access to SQL

    Is there a way to link the tables programatically?. I solved my problem by inserting record by record. I don't want to link all tables by hand; but now I am wondering if I can do the link programatically. Thanks to all you folks. Chequi.
  9. chequi

    Insert Into - from Access to SQL

    Hello: I am trying to insert a group of tables from an Access database to a SQL database using the following VB code: '**************************************** gsdatabase ="C:\data\bkup.mdb" db.ConnectionString = "DSN=" & connstr 'connstr is the name of a valid SQL ODBC connection...
  10. chequi

    Not able to send a email in a vb.net project

    What about if you already have SP5 and still continue with the same message: " setup cannot continue ...
  11. chequi

    Dates 1900-2078; only range accepted in smalldatetime

    Hello: I am trying to place dates prior to 1900 and beyond 2078 in a SQL 2000 table (smalldatetime field) and I am getting an overflow error message. I need help, please. Thanks. Chequi
  12. chequi

    ODBC DSN - create and delete

    Hi: The error message looks like the following: error SQLConfigDataSource() Component not found in the registry DSN=TestDSN\0SERVER=CAT-OZ5MV0UIEZ8\0DATABASE=c:\program files\oegreport\oegdb.mdb \0DESCRIPTION=Test HendriCOM Source\0\0 (CAT-... is MyComputer Name) Chequi.
  13. chequi

    ODBC DSN - create and delete

    Hi: I am trying to use the DSN.ocx to connect to an Access db. I am getting an error message. What am I supposed to place at: DSN1.SERVERNAME DSN1.ODBCDRIVER What about Username and Password?? I will appreciate your help. Thanks. Chequi.
  14. chequi

    Internet Connection; how can it be checked in VB6

    Hi DrJavaJoe: It worked perfectly. Exactly what I was looking for. Thanks again.
  15. chequi

    Internet Connection; how can it be checked in VB6

    Thanks DrJavaJoe. I will give it a try right away. I will let you know about the result.
  16. chequi

    Internet Connection; how can it be checked in VB6

    Please, I need to know how to check in VB6 if the internet connection is active; and in the case it is not; prompt the default connection to make the dial up. Thanks a lot.
  17. chequi

    Internet connection checked in VB6

    Thanks. I will try Forum222.
  18. chequi

    Internet connection checked in VB6

    Please, I need to know how to check in VB6 if the internet connection is active; and in the case it is not; prompt the default connection to make the dial up. Thanks a lot.
  19. chequi

    Uploading files to a Web Server using FTP

    If offer is still on place; please send me a copy. My email address: cati@coqui.net Thanks.
  20. chequi

    Option1_click() Fired at Load Time

    In VB6 - I am having the following problems: (1) A form with an option object at load time makes the option1_Click fired automatically (without any click). (2) when option1(0) or option1(1) is selected it does not fire option1_click when clicked ; this is, I can not activate option1_click...

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