Sometimes you spend time looking under the rock and forget to look on top. Thanks Smudge. My wife may feel the sting of having competition in pointing out my gross inadequacies (And, as she points out, it doesn't take keen observation). I guess when they say "default" they aren't just...
I have posted this question on the "Access - other" forum, but am trying it here also to see if I might find somebody who has seen this before. I am stumped.
I have a "master" table with a primary key. There are two related tables with the same pk. If I create a query to...
Check the data type of the Orders.[Job Type] in the table and the Jobtype variable, which I assume you are getting from the form itself. Do they match? Where exactly is Jobtype coming from? Is it a text box field on the form (so do you need Jobtype.value?), or otherwise how is Jobtype being...
Access does not understand the "database" type - therefore thinks it to be user-defined. My guess is that you are using Access 2000 or later, and that ADO is the default library. To use the Database type you need to include a reference to the DAO library. Do this from the VB editor...
Thanks Steve. In my case I am using a LEFT JOIN rather than INNER, but your point about making sure both "ON"s point to Table1.f1 is good. As it ends up, my query was correct. So I still need help - I would be interested to know if this situation can be duplicated. Here is how I...
I would appreciate any help you could offer. I have a master table with a autonumber primary key called "PermitID". I have two other tables which also have a primary key of "PermitID" (long int), call them supplement1 and supplement2. The idea here is that the master table...
Thanks everyone for your posts! As always, there is never a single answer. Obviously there are a lot of details that I did not include to keep my post concise. I will be sitting down tonight to run through a couple different scenarios and your insights will be most useful. I will post a...
Yes, that is the key - historical reporting. Because these are public records, it is absolutely essential that when a form is printed, even six years down the road, that it be an exact replica of the original. This won't be a common occurence, but I suppose that is really irrelevent. The...
Thanks for taking the time to read this long post and provide me with some good ideas. Since I am just in the planning stage I can use your first suggestion, which helps tremendously. Thanks very much.
Hello. I am creating a little application with Access, the task is basically one to fill out forms. Information like customer details, for example, will occur on more than one form so they will be stored in separate tables, in typical relational structure. But one caveat is that when any form...
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