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Search results for query: *

  1. mlibeson

    Use VBA to convert excel column number to string (label) and reverse function

    Just sharing. I had problems with using the address function as it was not available, so I had to come up with another way to convert back and forth between the letter columns and number columns. I tried what others recommended including what was posted on a Microsoft web page, but there were...
  2. mlibeson

    Use VBA to convert excel column number to string (label) and reverse function

    Function ConvertToLetter(iCol As Integer) As String Dim i, j As Integer Dim sCol As String Dim iAlpha As Integer Dim iRemainder As Integer iRemainder = Int(iCol Mod 26) If iRemainder = 0 Then iRemainder = 26 End If sCol = Chr(iRemainder + 64) If ((iCol -...
  3. mlibeson

    Error 91 when trying to Set variable = Range

    Thank you. I just noticed that as well. It was driving me crazy. Darn butter fingers. Michael Libeson
  4. mlibeson

    Error 91 when trying to Set variable = Range

    So I have used the same code just changing the variable names several times without any issues until now. The following code gives me the infamous 91 error Object variable or With block not set. Sub GetANITESTLIST() ' Declare variables Dim qry As String Dim qt As QueryTable Dim...
  5. mlibeson

    Problem with fetchrow_array returning list instead of array (PERL,POSTGRES)

    I figured it out. PostgreSQL can be so picky. I modified my program to generate a SQL query based on a FUNCTION (Stored Procedure) in Postgres to call the routine in this format: SELECT * FROM Function(); Instead of the one giving me a problem like: SELECT Function(); The " * FROM "...
  6. mlibeson

    Problem with fetchrow_array returning list instead of array (PERL,POSTGRES)

    I am using code that works correctly when getting data from MSSQL, but does not work correctly when I get data from POSTGRES on a MAC. I am running my code on the latest MAC OS X Yosemite. PERL version 5.18 DBI version 1.631 DBD-Pg version 3.4.2 Postgres version 9.3.5 the line of code is...
  7. mlibeson

    Help with HAVING clause where SELECT columns are SUM(CASE)

    OK, I am sorry for this post. I was so focused on the end result and the numbers being compared where the two columns involved are opposites of each other where if you add them together, the value is 0. I was so focused at seeing the positive and negative numbers as the same that I ignored the...
  8. mlibeson

    Help with HAVING clause where SELECT columns are SUM(CASE)

    True, I can used a derived table. Thank you for you post. I would still like to understand why it did not return what I expected. In this case the data set was small enough and easy enough to recognize that there was an issue. I am afriad that I may use something similar and not catch that...
  9. mlibeson

    Help with HAVING clause where SELECT columns are SUM(CASE)

    I am trying to return only those grouped rows where the OriginalAmt does not equal the ReverseAmt. Instead of the query giving me the rows I want, it returns all rows. Please help. Need ASAP. SELECT h.Account, h.ApplSeq, SUM(CASE WHEN h.Dcindicator = 0 THEN h.Tramt ELSE 0.0 END) AS...
  10. mlibeson

    Win32::OLE Excel Chartwizard sizes

    The following code seems to work: $chart1->Chart->SeriesCollection(1)->DataLabels->Font->{Size} = 6; Michael Libeson
  11. mlibeson

    Win32::OLE Excel Chartwizard sizes

    I created a macro in excel of what I want to accomplish for setting the font size to 6 for the category labels, but what does it look like ine PERL code. See Macro code below: Sub Macro1() ActiveSheet.ChartObjects("Chart 2").Activate ActiveChart.SeriesCollection(1).DataLabels.Select...
  12. mlibeson

    Win32::OLE Excel Chartwizard sizes

    Hello gurus, I am trying to manipulate a chart I created using the Win32::OLE chartwizard code as follows: $chart1->Chart->ChartWizard($ws->Range("A40", "B42", xlPie, 7, xlColumns, 1, 0, 0, '', '', '', ''); What code do I use to change the font size of the category labels on the pie graph...
  13. mlibeson

    Spreadsheet::WriteExcel Formula #DIV/0 Bad message

    easier to read version: foreach my $group (@main::Groups) { my $excelrow = $main::row + 1; $main::worksheet->write_formula($main::row, 12, "=ROUND( ( SUMIF( A${main::FirstDataRow}:A${main::LastDataRow}, L$excelrow, M${main::FirstDataRow}:M${main::LastDataRow} ) / COUNTIF(...
  14. mlibeson

    Spreadsheet::WriteExcel Formula #DIV/0 Bad message

    Here is a snippet: foreach my $group (@main::Groups) { my $excelrow = $main::row + 1; $main::worksheet->write_formula($main::row, 12...
  15. mlibeson

    Spreadsheet::WriteExcel Formula #DIV/0 Bad message

    I am using the PERL module Spreadsheet::WriteExcel to create an excel workbook from scratch. I create a worksheet put some data in it. Format everything and I also add a few formulas near the bottom of the sheet after all the data is written to the worksheet. When I open the workbook...
  16. mlibeson

    How to refresh Optionmeu

    you might need to call the updatetasks function. Check on the actual name of the function, but it should point you in the right direction. Michael Libeson
  17. mlibeson

    WHERE Field = @var problem - URGENT SOLUTION NEEDED -

    SQLDenis, Thanks for the info. I have always used the semi-colon as I thought it was part of the standard SQL even though SQL Server 2000 and prior did not require it. It looks like it will be required going forward so I am glad I have already been using them in practice. Michael Libeson
  18. mlibeson

    WHERE Field = @var problem - URGENT SOLUTION NEEDED -

    Silly me. In a rush to modify existing code to search based on ID and change the search to the description, I never changed the length of varchar so the string was being truncated. Oh the shame for even posting this issue. This one goes on the wall of shame. Thanks for your help anyway. I...
  19. mlibeson

    WHERE Field = @var problem - URGENT SOLUTION NEEDED -

    I am aware that varchar does not require trim but I was having problems and was trying to eliminate scenarios. The Field type is varchar as well. Michael Libeson
  20. mlibeson

    WHERE Field = @var problem - URGENT SOLUTION NEEDED -

    my code looks something like: DECLARE @var AS VARCHAR (20); SET @var = 'A/B'; SELECT * FROM Tablename WHERE LTRIM(RTRIM(Field)) = LTRIM(RTRIM(@var)); It does not return any rows. It does return rows if I write the code as follows: SELECT * FROM Tablename WHERE LTRIM(RTRIM(Field)) =...

Part and Inventory Search
