when the radio button is clicked, I want to make the textbox visible. initially the textbox is invisible. i'm using global variable to pass the visibility value.
Any ideas where i'm going wrong? Thanks!
global variable
<%!String vis;%>
<%vis = "visibility:hidden";%>
Radio button...
i want to put this in one statement
so it reads;
if report type is U or report type is UC
I'm passing in a string. However the string has an apostrophe(single quote '). When i'm trying to pass this string into a sql statement, sql is reading it as a single quote '. Is there a function in java to replace a single quote with another character.
s = (String)hm.get(keyInt)...
How do i use javascript validation for jsp page?
this is the validation code i have but when i change value in texbox, it wont submit:
<form name="add" method="post" action="/GSTS/servlet/com.fidelity.gift.gsts.servlet.GSTSControllerServlet">
<%@ language = vbscript%>
<%option explicit%>
Dim First
Dim Second
Dim EmailAddr
Dim dbCon
Set dbCon = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
dbCon.Open("DSN=BISDATA; UID=98038320; PWD=handball")
Sub Details()
i am trying to validate an email address below. Am i going about it the wrong way? It doesn't recognise a correct email address....any ideas?
If txtEmail.Text <> "" Then
Dim iX As Long
iX = InStr(1, strAddress, "@", vbBinaryCompare)
If iX Then If InStr(iX...
I want to update information on a flex grid. Is there any way, that i can click on the cell that i want to update and assign it a new value, someway of overwriting the old value?
The current code behind the grid is as follows:
Private Sub cboRmNo_Click()
Dim strrmno As String...
I want to update information on a flex grid. Is there any way, that i can click on the cell that i want to update and assign it a new value, someway of overwriting the old value?
The current code behind the grid is as follows:
Private Sub cboRmNo_Click()
Dim strrmno As String...
Just wondering how to set the last value in the loop equal to a text box. The loop is as follows:
i = 0
For i = 0 To lstDate.ListCount - 1
rs!Date = lstDate.List(i)
Next i
As it stands, i have code that pulls in data to fill the combo box. The same guest can appear several times (because the guest can be booked for more than one night). How do i get the combo box to pull in the names that are unique to one telephone number?
Filling combo box:
Dim adoconnection...
I want the query to return the rooms available for EACH date between the 2 selected dates. At the moment, the query is only returning the common room that is available for each date (even though each date may have other rooms available). Any ideas - thanks!
I'm using VB 6.0. Basically the search i'm tryin to do is when i select 2 dates on 2 date pickers, i want to check to see if rooms are available between those two dates.
Hi! Just wonder how i would carry out a search for availability between two dates. I can reserve a room for several dates but i want to be able to search for availability between two dates. At the moment i can only search one date at a time....any ideas
Private Sub DTPicker6_Change()
Just wondering how to send items in a listbox to database. My listbox is holding several dates and i want to send those dates to a table in access.
i have code to book one date at a time but would like to be able to book upto 7 days at a time. any ideas? My current code is as follows:
Private Sub cmdReserve_Click()
Dim adoconnection As ADODB.Connection
Set adoconnection = New ADODB.Connection
I am currently attempting to build a reservation system. One of the main objectives is to search by date to check for availability on a particular date. At the moment, user selects a date from datepicker to check for availability. if a room is booked, the room no. will appear in a text box...
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