I'm a video producer, and would like to create a totally jargon-free, customer-friendly page on my website which customers could use to (1) upload a graphics file to my website's server and (2) download or view the "rough cut" MPEG file that I've edited for them, for their approval. Preferably...
Thanks -- I do need to keep the time when it has been included. I found out how to do it though:
SELECT IIf(TimeValue([sdate])>"12:00:00 am",Format([Sdate],"mm/dd hh:nn am/pm"),[sdate]) AS DtTm, Events.Description
FROM Events
WHERE (((Events.Description)>"0") AND...
I have to format a database from a community calendar for a website.
Under "Sdate," the date field, some entries are date-only. Some are date-and-time. By default, the date-only entries display as date-only, which is fine. But the date-and-time entries display with hours, minutes...
Thanks! This is a great forum. I have two FINAL questions: what is the best Access book addressed to someone who is new to programming? And, ditto for Visual Basic?
I appreciate your generosity and your help. I have copied this thread and intend to use it as a tutorial for learning both...
Crisis is over -- I kludged something in Excel to reformat my data. BUT please post your replies anyway if you have them; I still would be interested in seeing your solutions, as I am determined to learn more about Access.
Thank you very much.
-- Hickory
Thanks to both Mike and Ron.
This project is for a website for a non-profit organization -- I have found that the biggest "draw" in the community is a localized tide table, and that is why I'm working on it. I have no budget to hire a programmer.
Mike's answer is fascinating...
I would like help on how to transform a table from one format to another, for a Tide Table.
The classic (and desirable) format for Tide Tables can be seen in this example, which is supposed to be viewed on one line:
March 20, 2002 - 1:23am High - 7:45am Low - 1:56pm High - 8:02pm Low
In the...
I want a colored left-hand column as a background for a navigation list on the left side of my pages. In "Photoshop Magic" they recommend creating a 1-pixel-high X 2000 wide graphic to use as a pattern fill -- even when the pattern is simply a bg for a left navigation column. That...
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