Take a look at strchr
proc main
string TextStr ; Text string to search.
TextStr = "1 2 3 4 5 6" ; Assign value to search string.
if strchr TextStr '5' ; Look for target char in string.
usermsg "Search string contains target char!"
I've been using procomm/aspect since the the days of datastorm.. and today I really needed to setup so that the script and aspect path would change to specific directory .. and stay there.
I found this old thread:
Riegg (Programmer) 18 Nov 04 13:54
I am trying to set my sdlgfopen's to a...
If your fortran cannot handle long files names, try this:
dir /x
you will will see the 8.3 char name that DOS uses. ie c:\docume~1.
soo.. you can open c:\docume~1\alluse~1\file,txt
You're on the right track, you have the elements in an array in code. You must have studied the techniques for sorting, heap/ binary, etc.
That would be your next step, to sort the elements from list() to a new aray, slist().
THen write out that array to the new file.
you can do this in a bat file but it would require some real programming skills.. counting the files, capturing the directory names and walking the chain.. All without arrays !
i suggest you take a look at a programming lamguage.. like JAVA .. even fortran. The languages have the tools built...
There are generic solutions to this.. like windows scripting languages.
One of the tools I use is a free application/complier called AUTOITScripting. It's not hard to use and it will work for dos/windows and web scripting.
Take a look at that
One thing I do when I have to do email is use an external program called "BLAT". WIth little configuration for outlook server you can do about anything you want. THEN, procomm just has to decide that the email has to be sent.. create a small bat file to send it (and optionall create text to...
There are a whole set of capabilities available in windows xp.. one of them is TASKKIL.EXE available in your windows/system32 directory. TASKKILL /im notepad.exe will kill the notepad propgram in its tracks.
By the way - there are a ton of WINDOWS commands available as DOS programs in XP
I don't see where you solved your problem.. So let me ask a question - and present an option. You only show a small piece of the response. What comes out AFTER the fruits ? What I often do is turn the capture to file on just before the output I want to interrogate. Then when it is complete...
hi I ofund this reference to Com Vis Fortran ver 6.6 would this help ?
File Management: table
Name Procedure Type Description
DELFILESQQ Run-time Function DELFILESQQ(files). Deletes the specified files in a specified directory.
FINDFILEQQ Run-time Function FINDFILEQQ(filename...
What i have done in this situation is write the info to a file suing "set alterate on" etc. Then invoke dos with "notepad <file> /p"
This assumes its the default printer.
You might try printing to a file.. close it.. Then use NOTEPAD <file> /print
Always prints to the default printer..and uses the last font saved in NOTEPAD..
You can get fancy and use WORDPAD or WORD as well.
Recently I had to generate HTML from the clipper and used WORD to print it out.. the...
GENERALLY this is a result of a virus. You are missing the AUTOEXEC.NT in the windows \ system32 directory.
Search the web .. this is a symptom of other things
Since the program is apparently IO bound, One idea.. not for the faint of heart .. is to read the file in much larger 'chunks'. Suppose something like 1000 bytes at a time, c/r and l/f included (read it as a binary).
Then parse the data strings.. and read more data as needed. In some, cases...
Thanks Knob, I so knew that ! But thank you for the confirmation !
I chose to work around but still use PComm. PC writes the dos script, executes it under "dos cmd > output" then diagnoses the output for errors.
Much apreciated
Hi. I have a need to script anFTP send session to a host. One logon sccripted is fine. This host requires two:
manually it looks like this:
ftp ip
user: <my login>
password: <mypassword>
ftp> (now i need to enter <user@2nd ip>
password: <my second pw)
A piece of psuedo code might help you. It will work, I use the technique all the time..
VARIABLES: findthis,findthislen,StuffFromFile
first: read findthislen bytes from the file
load into StuffFromFile
initialize findthis with what you need to find
compare findthis...
Hi.. Ive migrated to a new computer and am in the process of installing my software.. one is VdBase 7.0 When I dbl click to start it up I receive
Vdb.exe has generated errors and will be closed by windows.. Frankly, Im clueless wy this would fail.
Dell d400 win 2000 pro 1 gig memory 1.4 gz...
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