With java 1.2.2, can I get a list of all the printers available? Can i chose to print to one of them specific?
I want the functionalily of javax.print.* from 1.4 in 1.2
I'm sure thats why i cant find any resources on how to do it. However, the program that the service starts needs a password. We understand that this is unconventional, but its what we need to do.
I wrote a C program to act as a NT service to start a java program. However, i need to prompt the user for a password. How do I create a pop-up box? All the samples I see say to create a new MFC project. All I want is one box to have one edit field and a ok/cancel buttons. I am new to C...
I wrote a C program to act as a NT service to start a java program. However, i need to prompt the user for a password. How do I create a pop-up box? All the samples I see say to create a new MFC project. All I want is one box to have one edit field and a ok/cancel buttons. I am new to C...
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