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Search results for query: *

  1. Ologhai

    Web Control images embedded

    for all my images i did what you say, to select "embedded resources". and i compile but this not create a resources file !!! why ? and when it'll work how to acces this images ? thanks
  2. Ologhai

    Web Control images embedded

    Hi all I'am making a web control, who uses several images, (about 27 images), for the moment that I placed in repertory "images". Now i want to compile my images in the DLL, so i know it's possible to make a ressource file images.ressources in VB.NET project but in a web project...
  3. Ologhai

    Loosing cache !!

    Thanks Isadore i set my cache with no expiration and priority high and it's work fine.. Dim Priority As Caching.CacheItemPriority Context.Cache.Insert("AgencyCustomer", _ ds, _ Nothing, _...
  4. Ologhai

    Exceute select on another db

    DECLARE @retstat int EXECUTE @retstat = SQLSERVER1.pubs.dbo.checkcontract '409-56-4008' -------------------------------- Hugues Gauthier, DEC Développeur Web Intelligence Digital 1751 Richardson Suite 4230 Montréal, Québec H3K 1G6 http://www.intelligencedgt.com/...
  5. Ologhai

    is it possible ? stored proc that call stored proc in other SQL server

    Yes and the second server have to be configured for RPC (remote procedure call.) -------------------------------- Hugues Gauthier, DEC Développeur Web Intelligence Digital 1751 Richardson Suite 4230 Montréal, Québec H3K 1G6 http://www.intelligencedgt.com/ hgauthier@intelligencedgt.com...
  6. Ologhai

    is it possible ? stored proc that call stored proc in other SQL server

    Hi me, DECLARE @retstat int EXECUTE @retstat = SQLSERVER1.pubs.dbo.checkcontract '409-56-4008' i found it on msdn.. thank -------------------------------- Hugues Gauthier, DEC Développeur Web Intelligence Digital 1751 Richardson Suite 4230 Montréal, Québec H3K 1G6...
  7. Ologhai

    is it possible ? stored proc that call stored proc in other SQL server

    Hi i've question.. is it possible to do this ? my web application call a [stored proc #1] on [SQL SERVER #1] and this [stored proc #1] call another [stored proc #2] on [SQL SERVER #2]. thank you. -------------------------------- Hugues Gauthier, DEC Développeur Web Intelligence Digital 1751...
  8. Ologhai

    Loosing cache !!

    Hi all, i've a problem with caching dataset, i put this in application start to load dataset in cache memory. Dim AD As New AgencyData() Dim ds As DataSet = AD.AgencyCustomerList() If IsNothing(Context.Cache.Get("AgencyCustomer")) Then...
  9. Ologhai

    Serious ASP.NET debugging problem

    when you created your project, don't change http://localhost/project/ to the result will be access denied because debugger use localhost. hope this help. -------------------------------- Hugues Gauthier, DEC Développeur Web Intelligence Digital 1751 Richardson Suite...
  10. Ologhai

    Datagrid URL field

    i wanna know if it's possible to use 2 field with hyperlink column. in my datagrid - property builder for column 3 in the url field, i use this field "filename" and in the url format string i use this "test.aspx?file={0}". i wanna know if it's possible to pass 2 field in 1...
  11. Ologhai

    Query in Full-Text Catalog

    Hello TeteLouch , :) i'll answer me because i found the solution go in the full-text indexing wizard in 'language for word breaker' dont chose english or french chose Neutral. thanks :) -------------------------------- Hugues Gauthier, DEC Développeur Web Intelligence Digital 1751...
  12. Ologhai

    Query in Full-Text Catalog

    ID text title ----------------------------------- 1 test test 2 itest itest 3 >test >test 4 <i>test <i>test 5 test22 test22 6 itest22 itest22 7 >test22 >test22 8 <i>test22 <i>test22 9 <i>test22...
  13. Ologhai

    Invalid Date

    Hi i've some problem with updating my recorset. Adodc1.Recordset.addnew Adodc1.Recordset!Date = Null Adodc1.update all is ok. Adodc1.Recordset!Date = Date Adodc1.update all is ok. Adodc1.Recordset!Date = Null Adodc1.update i have this error &quot;Invalid Date&quot; why ? i want the...
  14. Ologhai

    (Dir1...Drive1...File1)Just don't work as usually.

    Why you don't use Commondialog box ? _____________________________ Hugues Gauthier P.A,DEC Programmeur Analyste Progitech GS Inc. http://www.progitech.com/ hugues.gauthier@progitech.com hugues_gauthier@hotmail.com Tel. : (418) 698-4383 #19 Fax.: (418) 698-8633 --------------------- ICQ: 2151800
  15. Ologhai

    SQL Query always returns a '-1' RecordCount

    to get the recordcount, open your recordset with Cursortype = adOpenStatic if you open with adOpenDynamic you will not get the recordcount but -1. _____________________________ Hugues Gauthier P.A,DEC Programmeur Analyste Progitech GS Inc. http://www.progitech.com/...
  16. Ologhai

    Server.CreateObject( &quot;Scripting.FileSystemObject&quot; )

    Hi I use server.CreateObject( &quot;Scripting.FileSystemObject&quot; ) to read files from a directory. And i've to sort the files by lastdatemodified. the only way i found it's: (every time a user is logged) delete sql table add files from directory to sql table sort by lastdatemodified show...
  17. Ologhai

    Need Advice On How To Edit/Update FoxPro Tables From VB Form

    i think it's imposible to find this software now Dynacom release his new version. and they use Access 2000 and flush *.dbf, i think is a good move :) i can send you dbf files that i work with gemme your email ! _____________________________ Hugues Gauthier P.A,DEC Programmeur Analyste...
  18. Ologhai

    Need Advice On How To Edit/Update FoxPro Tables From VB Form

    I work with Dynacom windows files. Dynacom is a comptable software built in foxpro. *.dbf you have to open a directory, not a file. set fdyn = OpenDatabase(&quot;c:\dynawin\data01&quot;, False,False, &quot;FOXPRO 2.5;&quot;) yes &quot;FOXPRO 2.5;&quot; is the DSN i use Microsoft...
  19. Ologhai

    Need Advice On How To Edit/Update FoxPro Tables From VB Form

    Hi I use Foxpro *.dbf table with DAO in my VB program. this is a part of codeL: dim fdyn As Database dim tbl As Table Set fdyn = OpenDatabase(Trim(DynacomPath), False, False, &quot;FOXPRO 2.5;&quot;) Fich_Rech = &quot;empfil&quot; Set tbl = fdyn.OpenRecordset(Fich_Rech)...
  20. Ologhai

    Opening an Access DB with password using DAO

    Hi Catrina, i use ADO to open Access Database, hope this will help you Set gConDyn5 = New ADODB.Connection Set gRecDyn5_Client = New ADODB.Recordset wSQL = &quot;Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source='yourMDB.mdb';Mode=Read;Persist Security Info=False;Jet...

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