Thank you! I have been mucking around for about 2 hours trying to work out why a graph copied from excel and pasted into Word 97 in landscape orientation kept on aligning to the left and off the page so half of it disappeared, and couldn't. I used your advice and pasted my data tables...
Beeps (Programmer), thank you for your response. I've just spent the last 2 1/2 hours wrestling with this problem with another programmer with 18 years experience. The problem occurs when there are no records returned by the query. We basically tried everything. We actually tried your suggestion...
I have exactly the same problem. Techniques using "IIf" and "Nz()" work with fields which use the "Sum" function (for averages and totals) but I can't seem to get them to work with "Count". Has anyone discovered a solution to this problem yet? I've been...
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