Thanks for the advice, and sorry not to have got back sooner. Turned out it was a problem with our replication on the exchange end of things. All seems relativly ok now.
At a couple of small branch offices around the country we have only one server that acts as a DC and an exchange server. When I go to do backups with these I find that the exchange back-ups fail saying the a/c I'm using has insufficient priviledges to open the exchange databases. Each office...
I'm installing Arcserve 2000 on a server and keep getting the following message
Internal Error 2735 Call Preinstall.
I have IE5.0 on the server so that's not the problem. This is an identical server to others that I've already installed Arcserve on.
Anyone got any ideas?
I have a succesful backup of the oracle dbase... But whenever I try to restore it fails immediately saying there are no files on the tape.
If anyone has any ideas I'd much appreciate it.
Having done a bit of poking around I've come up with the following.
If I run a backup of system state on its own it works fine.
If I run a full backup of absolutly everything on the server (which is our weekly run). It works fine.
If I run a full backup of shared areas and users folders and...
I'm getting a message on Arcserve 2000 that reads W3081 Unable to backup system state for remote machines. (MACHINE=)
I'm actually trying to backup the system state of the server Arcserve is located on, not of a remote machine (I know you can't do that). Has anyone come across this before...
It doesn't let you configure the drive apart from through a mapped drive. All I get is invalid folder name errors when I try through DFS or through the network.
I've mapped to the second server and configured an area through device configuration. However whenever I run a job to that device I get the same error message as if I was running to a tape drive and there was no media in the drive.
I've just downloaded the new patch to enable backup to disk rather than tape. I've two servers at one site and I want to backup each one to the other. I only have Arcserve installed on one of the servers and client agent on the other. While I can back up from the server without Arcserve to...
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