I am trying to do a CASE statement from a query into Excel. This operation works fine if I am trying to do a comparison on a text field but fails when trying to perform on a date field.
For instance, if I do:
SELECT Case When CasPre <> 'TR' then 'Not Traffic' else 'Traffic' end From TableName...
you're example isn't helping any. Try to use the TGML tags to line up your data:
Field1 Field2 Field3
data data data
I used the stuff tags to format the above.
so you want to find all the competencies for a job and then find all the employees that have all the competencies (by meeting or exceeding the LevelReq?) and return the number of employees?
@IRudebwoy - That's where I am too! Actually on the Westside of Albuquerque! We'll have to create a Tek-Tips in New Mexico group for the 2 of us! You're the first Tek-Tipper i've found in the area....are there others?
so you have a table Attendance and you want to count the number of meetings in each month:
SELECT Format([MeetingDate],"mmmm yyyy") AS MonthYear, Count(tblAttendance.MeetingTypeID) As NumberOfMeetings
FROM tblAttendance
WHERE tblAttendance.MeetingTypeID=1 And MeetingDate Between #2010/01/01#...
What are you trying to do with the "date" values of Month and Year? You understand that the value of the date is this:
7/7/2010 7:51 am
where 40366 is the number of days since Dec 30 1899 and the decimal 32761 is the time of day.
you realize that Access "relationships" are only there to enforce referential integrity and to allow Access to "help" you with your queries by automatically...why are you trying to create a relationship through a delphi component? And how can you be using Delphi and not have any code?
I have a FB account and really enjoy being able to keep in contact with relatives who live in different parts of the country (makes me feel connected to what they are doing and things in their life), people I have met on vacations and some co-workers. Like someone said above, I don't put...
yes but this program was written a while ago and would take major code modifications to change it to a four digit year. roo here's a link to the solution i used.
I have a form that allows users to enter a date of birth:
ie: 4/16/40
Then when the user processes the form there's a function that checks it's length, adds leading zeros, parses the date and then uses FormatDateTime to just return the year of birth:
strTemp := strPostedByDOB;
I think the OP wants to be able to put into a TStringList all the subfolders of a specific folder.
SOmething like this maybe:
sr : TSearchRecord
StrList : TSTringList;
StrList := TstringList.Create;
if FindFirst('C:\MyDOcument\', faDirectory, sr) = 0 then
Do you really have your second table set up like Test1, test2, test3,etc? that's not normalized...something like this would be set up like this:
I'm not really clear on what you are asking in your question....do you already have the drop down on the word document and now you want to fill in other fields based on what the user selects OR you need assistance in getting the drop down list populated in the word document?
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