I need to keep a movie from being loaded, once it's already playing (at this point if the load button is clicked, it stops the movie and restarts it.
Thanks all!
Works perfectly.. thanks SO much! I can stop banging my head on my comp. desk now! : )
I don't want to overstate the obvious, but your the man!!
I see the problem your talking about with the main sound playing over the song onClick. Should I start a new topic on that one?
That's exactly what Im trying to accomplish. I just tried that, but it didn't work. I must have something mis-labeled somewhere. If you get bored, feel free to take a look. Maybe you can spot my mistake.
On music.fla, I am entering that command only on button 1, frame 125..
Thanks again...
Thanks for the reply. To clarify, I have a symbol (movie playing within the main level - headphones) in the main level that I want to go to and stop at frame 6, when level 3 is loaded. I though this might work:
but it had no effect on the symbol playing in...
Here's the URL, to see what I need to do. ( www.petelord.com )
The main movie has a movie playing in it that is the sound (see headphones in left bottom corner ). I need level 3 (music) when loaded to send a command to the "sound" movie playing in the main movie, to go to and stop...
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