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  • Congratulations Mike Lewis on being selected by the Tek-Tips community for having the most helpful posts in the forums last week. Way to Go!

Search results for query: *

  1. SpeakerForTheDead

    Problems with cin.getline

    I figured it out. I was using "/n" instead of endl and that was screwing up cin.getline and getch Now I've got a few more problems, but those should be easy. Just one question. How can you determine if a file already exists? The function always returns that that the file exists...
  2. SpeakerForTheDead

    Don't use gets

    I've heard often that one should never use gets. I've been told to use cin.getline instead. Does anyone know if gets could seriously mess up one's compiler if used frequently?
  3. SpeakerForTheDead

    Problems with cin.getline

    I'm sorry. There's probably nothing wrong with cin.getline. The same thing is happening with getch. It's something SERIOUSLY wrong with my compiler. I'm going to try reinstalling it.
  4. SpeakerForTheDead

    Problems with cin.getline

    I'm trying to write a program that frequently prompts for char arrays. I've been told to stay away from the gets function. Yet when I run the progam, it does something very strange. It skips the cout command that precedes it and then displays the text AFTER the prompt. And there are other...
  5. SpeakerForTheDead

    How Can You Manipulating Strings In Older C++ Versions?

    Still not working. It compiles and executes, but it does very weird things... Please help. #include <iostream.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <conio.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #include <fstream.h> void get(char prompt[100], char input[100]) //get(prompt, variable); {//get -...
  6. SpeakerForTheDead

    How Can You Manipulating Strings In Older C++ Versions?

    Thanks. Most of that was very helpful. However, I can't figure out how to copy a string starting in the middle of the string. With .assign, it's easy, you just enter where you want the copying to start. I haven't found a function (or a sequence of functions) in <string.h> that will allow me...
  7. SpeakerForTheDead

    How Can You Manipulating Strings In Older C++ Versions?

    Okay. I'm used to using Microsoft Visual C++ v6.0, but I have v4.0 at home. I'm used to adding strings the way you'd add numbers. I'm used to using string.assign() and string.find() for all of my purposes. But I can't use them any more. So I was wondering what tools for manipulating strings...
  8. SpeakerForTheDead

    How do you use strings in old C++?

    Ha! Never mind! I DON'T use it! Simple as that! What does c_str() do, anyway? The syntax I use it in is fin.open(string.c_str()) note: fin is the ifstream command I use
  9. SpeakerForTheDead

    How do you use strings in old C++?

    char arrays work. But there's a function that I use frequently for loading files: c_str() How would I use that?
  10. SpeakerForTheDead

    How do you use strings in old C++?

    I haven't tried the char array yet. And <string.h> is missing something. It doesn't recognize strings!
  11. SpeakerForTheDead

    How do you use strings in old C++?

    If only it was so simple. <string> does not exist in C++ v4.0. And using namespace std; is automatically built in so if you try to use it, it'll give you an error message.
  12. SpeakerForTheDead

    How do you use strings in old C++?

    Okay. I have C++ 4.0 at home and I can't get strings to work. From what I've heard, this because at the time 4.0 came out, string wasn't &quot;standard.&quot; At first I thought this had to do with the header files I was using. But does it have something to do with namespaces? Do I have to...
  13. SpeakerForTheDead

    #include files

    As long as we're semi- on the subject, what is the older (say... 4.0) version of the header file <string>? Not <string.h>. Just plain <string>.
  14. SpeakerForTheDead

    Translating A Program from 6.0 to 4.0

    Alright. I'm at school. string and string.h are two COMPLETELY different header files. My home computer doesn't have string (tho I suppose I could take it home). So that's probably the problem. Does ANYONE know what header files I'd need to do the same thing as &quot;string&quot;?
  15. SpeakerForTheDead

    Translating A Program from 6.0 to 4.0

    Here's the code: //A game where you manage a bar, buying and selling drinks, NOW you can save your game! //Created by Gilad &quot;Speaker For The Dead&quot; Barlev //Final Programming Edit on 16/1/02 (D/M/Y) //Final Internal Documentation Edit on 15/1/02 (D/M/Y) #include <iostream.h> #include...
  16. SpeakerForTheDead

    Translating A Program from 6.0 to 4.0

    Okay. I have version 6.0 at school and 4.0 at home. I brought home a program, fixed the obvious translations (getting rid of &quot;using namespace std;&quot; and adding &quot;.h&quot; to everything) yet it STILL has 36 errors and 15 warnings. I think it's a problem with my string variables...
  17. SpeakerForTheDead

    Crash Course on Arrays &amp; Pointers

    I need a crash course on Arrays & Pointers. Can anyone direct me to a FAQ or site that can help me out? Thanks.
  18. SpeakerForTheDead

    Search for a character in a sentence

    That is really cool. I just ran it. A few questions. 1)while( Sentance[i] != '\0') Does '\0' mean &quot;last item in a pointer&quot;? 2)cout<<count<<character<<&quot; have been found !\n&quot;; Is !\n the same thing as <<endl? 3)gets( Sentance ); This one really interests me. So... this...
  19. SpeakerForTheDead

    How do you display characters or strings starting in a set position?

    And I tried Wundram's thing, including the neccesary libraries. It does the exact same thing as Leibnitz'.

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