Thanks for your quick response Dyarwood. I tried this but I get a compile error on ActivePrinter. The error is "Method or Data Member not found". I have Access 97.
How can I print a report to a network printer that is not my default printer? Right now I print to my default printer and I have to run the report across the building to the right department. I tried going through the help topics but I didn't see anything about this. Does anyone know code to...
I have tried a few things with different code suggestions. The code I have now I am able to step through it OK but there doesn't seem to be any result.
Function DelMailInbox()
Dim myOlApp As Outlook.Application, olNameSpace As NameSpace, Inbox As mapiFolder, mailCounter As Integer
Thanks for the response Page410. I tried your code and nothing was deleted from my Inbox. Here is what I did
Public Function DelMailTest()
Dim myOlApp As Outlook.Application, olNameSpace As NameSpace, Inbox As mapiFolder, mailCounter As Integer
Dim AllMessages As Items, message As...
I have several Modules set up to extract Email attachments to a file. The code is like this:
Public Function getmailZip1()
Dim myOlApp As Object
Dim myNamespace As Object
Dim MyFolder As Object
Dim myItem As Object
Dim myAttachments As Object
Set myOlApp =...
I wouldn't even know where to begin with this code. If this is the way to do this, can someone give me an indication where to place this code in the module.
What code can I insert in a module running several processes, that will allow a process to finish B4 moving to next process. Right now I am not getting desired results because 1 process is stepping on the other.
I need a suggestion as to what I am doing wrong. I am trying to run a batch file from a macro. I am doing this after I run a module from the same macro. It looks like the batch file runs but the expected results do not occur. If I run the batch file by clicking on it, everything is OK. I do a...
I took your code and tried a couple of things. I was thinking on a much lower level than you, I was thinking MACRO. This code is working the way I wanted it to. THANK YOU for your help
OutputTo acOutputReport, "FileName",acFormatRTF, "J:\FileName" & Format(Date -...
The message is like this:
Can't save the output data to the file you selected.
*The file may be open. If so close it, and then save the output data to the file again. Yada, Yada, Yada
This is a great site to learn and interact with others and know that I am not the only one with QUESTIONS. Here is my question and I don't know if it is possible!!
I work for a company that does business with a division of the government. As such , we are subject to periodic auditing of our...
This works just as you said it would. THANKS a lot. I think I can get this a few steps further and set it up to query all customers who were contacted over a given period of say six months. That should give me a sampling of customers contacted during that time period, how many times, and what...
Thanks for the reply, Cheerio. Your code is well beyond me at this point. I am still learning as I am sure we all are. I will keep on plugging away and try your suggestion. I will let you know of my success or failures. At this point I am not having too much success.
I work for a call center that does not make cold calls, but does call existing customers to remind them that they are due for a reorder. All contact info is put into a history_table including a Time/Date stamp. Is there any way to query this table to extract a time of day when successful...
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