this may sound amature but how would i do this:
i have many layers of movie clips, one inside the other etc...
The one i want to scroll is at the very bottom.
I want to put a button on the top layer that will tell the bottom layer what to do.
-*movie clip...
go to:
(dont pat any attention to the captions)
i have a foreward button to scroll through the links but i want to have a back button also.
I have no clue how.
There is just a stop on every frame, and the button has a play action.
ps. old...
Hi, me again-in the file i sent you,
delete the preloader scene and THEN test the movie,
you will see that there is no problem with the GIF's!
-Thanks again
go to:
(dont pay attention to the captions unless you can help me figure out why adding apreloader ruins the quality of GIF's later in the movie)
i have a foreward button but i want a back button as well.
there is a stop on every frame and the button has a play...
click the lasso tool and then look at the very bottom of that toolbar!
hope this helps.
ps. flash is VERY frustrating at first but that eases quickly!
opened it in flash five and tried EVERYTHING!
i have concluded that the preloader afftect the quality of GIF's in other scenes. I think the GIF smoothing thing turns off on its own!
still would appreciate help.
ifFrameLoaded ("scene 2",50) {
}gotoAndPlay("scene 2");
that's the code on scene 1(preloader)
Then on frame one of scene 2 there is a stop command.
im just answering bubu's question.
i found out that the preloader screws the quality of the latter GIF's.
Why? i still don't know.
Do you?
Does anyone?
=I made a great flash MX movie full of GIF's and everything went fine! :)
=When i added a preloader scene and all that preloader stuff, the quality of the GIF's in the finished movie (not when i am working) is drastically reduced.
=I don't know what happened, i dont think i did anything...
:) I made a great flash MX movie full of GIF's and everything went fine! :)
:( When i added a preloader scene and all that preloader stuff, the quality of the GIF's in the finished movie (not when i am working) is drastically reduced.
:( I don't know what happened, i dont think i did...
i want to know how to clip all the edges of a flash movie so that when you enlarge the flash player window, you can't see the workspace(grey area). I dont want people to see the objects coming from off the stage.
please help me, ive looked everywhere for months :)
I triyed to hide the Database window by removing the option<br>
"display database window" from startup menu in Access 97 but when I open the database it is allways shown even I do save it as an MDE file. Can you help please?
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