I am using a RDC on a VB to print the report. This is my coding.
Dim reportdELIVERYoRDER As New RptAPDeliveryOrder
Dim total_i, total_ii As Double
Dim CompName, RegNo, Add1, Add2, Add3, Add4, Poscode, Tel, Fax, Email, Web As...
Dear Experts and beginners,
I am looking a way to create a report under RDC, to be able to generate report for my users and also allows them to made neccessary changes on the report that automatically updates the database.
I could sure need some help on raising light to this issue.
I like to learn more about variable in Crystal report and how to use it. I can't afford to purchase a book. Internet is my only options. Could anyone pleease direct me a website that educate Crystal report learner on variables.
Dear Laki,
I created the parameter to display the company header on a report. The reason why is I am cutting down the Server and Client Processing Power by avoiding executing one heavy SQL command to retrive records from multi table.
And thanks... it works like a charm. There is another issue...
Dear Friend,
I am using a VB6 to access crviewer (crystal report 8.5) to view my report. Below are my sub codings which the recordset and connection of ADO is declare in global. The problem I face now is that when I retrieve the record from the database and transfer to crviewer database. The...
Dear friend,
I am using crystal report 8.5 with VB6. I work on a report that accept recordset to generate report to be printed. Currently, RDC seems to be working fine on my tested laser printer. But the problem rise when I get half-print text on every line in dot-matrix printer. This is my...
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