On one SQL server I have a Publischer. When I'm trying to make a subscriber on another SQL server, it fails when it tryes to build DRI.
It builds the tables and bulk copies the data, but when it comes tol the .dri schema scripts it fails.
Any ideas ??
Hope someone can help me on this one.
I'm using the wizard in MS-SQL 2000 to make a publischer of my database, using Merge replication - this goes fine.
Then I'm creating a Suscriber on a second MS-SQL server version 7 on another server. Everything goes seams to go fine, but the subscriber is...
If there is a way to open all forms from code - properly best in design mode, so that On_Open or Timer code don't start - then make the changes with the code chrisie1 surgested, and in the end saving and closing all the forms again ?
If this is posible, then property changes on all forms in the...
Thanks - it works fine, but..... I still have a few problems. It is only looking at the forms I have open. I need to open each form, provide the changes, and the save and close it. Can you help me with this ?
My code looks like this rigth now :
Dim dbl_temp As Double
For dbl_temp = 1 To...
Hi Chrissie1
When I run the code it gives the following error :
"Microsoft can't find the field "picturename" reefered to in your expression.
Can you tell me why ??
Is there a way to change a properties for a number of forms ?
I like to change the background picture of all form in my database, but I don't worn't to open every form in design mode, change the Picture property and save it. So what I'm looking for is a way to do this automaticaly - Through...
I did not explane my problem good enough. My application is installed my an installation program. Earlier the user alwys had to place the application in a certen directory on a specific drive. Now it is importent that the user himselfe can deside where to install the program. It is therefore the...
In my application I have the Picture property on my forms set to a bitmap file as a linked file - the bitmap is used as the background on all my forms. I have approximately 170 forms in my application.
I have now changed my application so that I need to to place the bitmap in another...
In my Access97 application I have a Make Table query. With this I'm building a new table from some existing field in other tables, and with a couple of data enterede by the user on a form. The fields made up from the the form has always been created as type Text in the new table.
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