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Search results for query: *

  1. sohrab100

    Table Index Question

    Nifrabar, Do u means Index on FieldA tag FieldAIDX1 Index on FieldA tag FieldAIDX2 can speed up the performance in rushmore? sohrab100
  2. sohrab100

    Table Index Question

    That's what i guess for Seek(), Find(). But what if i issue a SQL as follow select * from tablea where fielda="abc" Will the indexs of FieldAIDX1, FieldAIDX2 help for the sql? or just the same as one index only? PS: Index on FieldA tag FieldAIDX1 Index on FieldA tag FieldAIDX2...
  3. sohrab100

    Table Index Question

    Will a table with two index on one field make the search faster? Example TableA Index on FieldA tag FieldAIDX1 Index on FieldA tag FieldAIDX2 Will it be faster or no effect? or make slower even because of wasted index? sohrab100
  4. sohrab100

    Form Sequence

    I have a problem concerning the focus of form. I want to know if all forms are modal, the form sequence should follow one by one? Will it be suddenly active the form at the bottom? Since I have experience that when i have a bottom modeless form 0 and calling modal form1 -> form2 -> form3...
  5. sohrab100

    How to activate a Form?

    Dave S, Some form can not be hide because of useful information need to show on the back of the form. Let say, Form1 (Timer/UserInfo show on top corner), if Form1 is hide, the Timer(Clock) and UserInfo will lost. And Form4(not fullscreen) need to view information at the back form Form3. So...
  6. sohrab100

    How to activate a Form?

    The Case: Modeless form "Form1" (A Timer for show current time on top) Modal form Form2, Form3, Form4 Form1 is set alwayontop=.t. , desktop=.t., windowtype=0 Sequence: do form form1 do form form2 --modal call--> form3 --modal call --> form4 In normal case, form4 is the active form...
  7. sohrab100

    Properties 'Exit' is not found

    Mike, what do u think i should insert the code in Form1, Form2 or Form3? and what event should be? IF _SCREEN.Formcount > 0 _SCREEN.AciveForm.Exit ENDIF Will it exit my form1 and lost the modal sequence and produce big problem? sohrab100
  8. sohrab100

    Properties 'Exit' is not found

    Ramani, the ThisForm.WIndowState = 1 do not work. e.g Form1--Call (Modal)-->Form2--Call (Modal)-->Form3 Search Form is Form1 Main Form is Form2 Addition Info Form is Form3 Form2 LostFocus: ThisForm.WIndowState = 1 Form2 GotFocus: ThisForm.WIndowState = 2 if I do "ThisForm.WIndowState =...
  9. sohrab100

    Properties 'Exit' is not found

    Mike, one more thing to ask is that the "Property "Exit" is not found" is found due to inactive of current form. But the case is when user Switch to other application (ALT-Tab) and switch back to my application, in rarely case that sometime will out focus of the form and...
  10. sohrab100

    Properties 'Exit' is not found

    Thanks Jim, but it's not the case I want to ask. The foundation of Keypress event I understood. The Screen Like ----------------------------------------- UserDefined Object - List of Record -------------------------------- | Record 1 |...
  11. sohrab100

    Properties 'Exit' is not found

    Mike, when i set keypreview to .t., I have a problem for my application. I have a list on top and some entry box (editbox,textbox) at the bottom, I have the event of uparrow/downarrow key to navigate the list, but when i press up/down arrow key and the entry box are in focus, the entry box...
  12. sohrab100

    Properties 'Exit' is not found

    The Actual Case is Form1 Activate Event: On key Label F2 _screen.activeform.exit Form1 has an user define Exit Method So, when someone press F2, it should be in Form1 screen and _screen.activeform will resolve to Form1 and should call the EXIT Method. Am I right? So, Mike, what is your...
  13. sohrab100

    Properties 'Exit' is not found

    Description: Exit is a UserDefine Method in a Form My Code On key label f2 _screen.activeform.exit Sometime, my client report that they face "Properties 'Exit' is not found", it is related to "EXIT" is a reserved word? So are there any difference with the command below...
  14. sohrab100


    What is the difference of it? Let's take an example... Previous State Key Action F1 Help() F2 Save() When Issuing 1. PUSH KEY 2. PUSH KEY CLEAR On Key label F1 Help2() On Key Label F2 Save2() What is the Current State And After that,issuing POP KEY Then what is the...
  15. sohrab100

    About Report VPOS, HPOS, Height, Width

    When i browse the report .frx as table, i see the field VPOS, HPOS, Height, Width. And from the spec. of .frx and .lbx table structure for Visual foxpro 6.0 and 5.0, i know it represents the location, size of the object, so what is the unit of that value? in pixels? in mm? inches? sohrab100
  16. sohrab100

    TableUpdate problem

    The 'B' get "Record is in use by another user", and the table have parent and child relationship in data envirnoment. So what is the problem? sohrab100
  17. sohrab100

    TableUpdate problem

    For a network program using buffering mode 5, "A" edit (rlock) a record, and "B" try to edit the same record, it return fails (obvious). But after that when "A" is still editing, "B" then append a new record, the record cannot be update using tableupdate...
  18. sohrab100

    Record Update

    if i need to update a number of goods 's stock and running in multi-user envirnment, how can i make use of curval, oldval? Sample code select order scan select goods seek (alltrim(order.items)) if found() replace goods.store with store - order.num endif select order endscan select goods...
  19. sohrab100

    Record Update

    How can i use buffer mode 5 and update the same record by two network user at the same time and maintain the consistency of the record? sohrab100
  20. sohrab100

    How do i know the table belongs to which dbc?

    I am using vfp6, i found the function INDBC() for checking the table whether belongs to current database, but how do it know whether the table is "belongs to other database" or "a freetable" when INDBC() return .f. Or, how can it detects the table is a free table? Thanks...

Part and Inventory Search
