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  • Users: y3by
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  1. y3by

    Converting a number to a percentage (using convert(decimal,......

    hi, from my little experience in TSQL, will need a cast to float, because when there are int involved in multiplication, then results are presented in int format... i hope you understand my eng :) good work
  2. y3by

    DTS Export from tabelXPTO to file and then update tableXPTO

    hi ppl, i'm trying to design a dts that does the following: 1st - select COD,NAME,PHONE from TABLEXPTO where SENTFLAG=0 2nd - write thoose records into a file expfile.txt 3rd - if the writing of the records runs well then update TABLEXPTO set SENTFLAG = 1 and SENTDATE = getdate() where...
  3. y3by

    SQL Server Integration with Active Directory

    hi i'm facing the same problem here. i think it is a problem with security but i can't find help any where... the site "mauvais" is down.. could you help me!
  4. y3by

    limit cpu usage by replication process

    hi ppl, I've created a db and defined replication with more than 30 MSDE on a VPN. the db is in a double PIII XEON with 1.5 gb memory every thing works fine but when ever i update more than 30000 records... then machine starts replication and the processor goes up to 100%... until replication...
  5. y3by

    kill process by name not by pid

    hi ppl, i need to kill an application in all pc's on my network. to do that machine by machine is a very hard work... i need to do something like this > kill applicationX in machineY if i have a command that does that, i can make a script to kill in all machines... can you help me?!??! thks
  6. y3by

    Using Replication or use DTS to copy data between 3 or more srvs

    Hi ppl, i'm developing a software that uses sqlsrv2k as d.b. we have a srv in our w2k network and some others in some workgroups connected through a VPN, and others connect by modem. i want to have the information on each d.b to be the same. i thought of 2 things, REPLICATION or programing DTS...
  7. y3by

    Find memory information on registry

    hi ppl, i'm trying to develop a script to find machines that have more then XXX MB of memory... for the processor i've found a key "~MHZ" in HKLM\HARWARE\description\system\CentralProcessor\0 but for the memory i can't find any key... i use a lan monitor and registry field i get...
  8. y3by

    Same as DelTree...

    hi spideyguy... humm i'm using winxp pro and i'd seen Help and i don't find any deltree... i found rd and rmdir... i've tried every thing i can remember... i keep getting syntax incorrect or the folder xpto deleted.. but i want only to delete what is inside xpto folder.. i thougth of moving...
  9. y3by

    Same as DelTree...

    hi ppl, in my organization we have mapped one drive for temporary exchange of files. this drive is a shared folder in fileserver, and it must be cleanned every 15 days. i tryed to create a bat file and put a task to run that bat, but i want to delete files and subfolders inside that folder and...
  10. y3by

    boot diskette with network support

    hi ppl, i've used ghost to make a image of a w2k disk. this image is bigger than 800mb,and so i cann't put it on a cd. my idea was put the image in the network and boot from a floopy with network support. my problem is how can make such disk. any one can help me!??! tks!
  11. y3by

    w32/elkern.cav.c this is the bad boy i want to kick him

    hi ppl, w32/elkern.cav.c is infecting some of my pc's... i found a software "stinger" that help me clean in some pcs... but in one machine i keep getting a msg from vshield detecting the virus... i have vshield 4.5.1 sp1 engine 4.1.60 and virus defenitions 4.0.4244 the msg is that i...
  12. y3by

    Environment Variables and Big Profiles

    Hi ppl, we're facing a problem with big profiles. some of our users need to use a lot of internet... one of our problem's is the temporary internet files are stored in \documents and settings\%Username%\local settings\temp (don't know the correct sintax but i think you understand) to reduce...
  13. y3by

    naimserv2.exe take full control of cpu server

    yap AVChap i also found that tip you gave me in nai suport, but thanks any way. rigth now the server is doing well comunications between agents are 120 240 and task for instalation have 1 hour randomization... thks you all
  14. y3by

    naimserv2.exe take full control of cpu server

    hi ppl, today and yestarday by the same hour, my w2k domain server crashed because naimserv2.exe take full control of the cpu 98% to 100% i do not know what may caused this... if anyone can point me a way to find the problem i'll be :)) i cheked for any update task programed at this hour... for...
  15. y3by

    Changing pc name, Local Sql Server becomes Corrupted

    Hi ppl, i need to change the name of my pc from xxx to yyy, my pc is in a domain DDD, and i'm using winXp pro... i also have a local sql server upgraded from 7.0 to 2000... when ever i try change the name of the pc, after the restart and before ctrl+alt+del i get a msg on the screen saying...
  16. y3by

    Software to do inventary

    hi ppl, i'm trying to do an inventary of the machines in my organization. i need to know processor, memory, disc size. is there any software that i can use to help me in this boring job. i'can do almost every thing manualy.. but finding the processor is the most dificult... the machines are...
  17. y3by

    missing mssp3pt.dll

    hi ppl In my organisation , i've a pc that gives me an error in word, and closes the aplication... the machine is a w2k pc with office XP... i saw the event viewer and find the following message "Faulting Aplication winword.exe version 10.0.2627.0, faulting module mssp3pt.dll version...
  18. y3by

    missing dll

    hi ppl In my organisation , i've a pc that gives me an error in word, and closes the aplication... the machine is a w2k pc with office XP... i saw the event viewer and find the following message "Faulting Aplication winword.exe version 10.0.2627.0, faulting module mssp3pt.dll version...
  19. y3by

    can't find pc in Ms windows network

    Hi ppl there is something strange hapenning in my organization... we have some w2k machines that aperar in AC , the user is validated in the domain, but when we do a search on the ms windows network, the pc don't apear... but if we do \\pc002 we can access to the machine... another curiosity...
  20. y3by

    running a scrip at shutdown

    once i put the same post and someone told me this... creat a simple batch like this and when ever i wanted to do shutdown but before run something, do it by executing this... after you close notepad , the computer will go down... @ECHO OFF START /W C:\WINDOWS\notepad.EXE START...

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