This has also been tested
Start > All Programs > Accessories > command prompt, then type in "Netstat –a"
For repeat lists press Up Arrow and Enter.
But the method used by ElectronicsFreak also works just as well.
Sub WebAccessTest()
' WebAccessTest Macro
With ActiveSheet.QueryTables.Add(Connection:= _
"URL;http://www."your web address here and file to query" ", Destination:=Range _
("A1")) 'Where you want it placed on...
Thanks ETID I am trying that option as well, but have a feeling that option will be turned off by the IT people.
Is there a way to activate the CommandBars and Controls Edit and Copy and Paste if this functionality has been deactivated.
Hi, already have a partly finished macro which will open up a certain webpage/s, through Hperlinks. Once the webpage is open I can manually SelectAll then Copy then go to the Excel Worksheet and Paste it to "A1" and it spreads itself nicely over the worksheet at which level I will...
Hi, already have a partly finished macro which will open up a certain webpage/s, through Hperlinks. Once the webpage is open I can manually SelectAll then Copy then go to the Excel Worksheet and Paste it to "A1" and it spreads itself nicely over the worksheet at which level I will...
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