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Search results for query: *

  1. jantie78

    can VB.Net do the trick?

    I've made something just like that in VB6, so I think .NET is powerfull enough. If this response was usefull to you, please mark it with a Star!
  2. jantie78

    Send a .txt file as email from program.

    That is true, but you can't display the mail when you've created it with Mapi. When using outlook you can show the mail so the user can add something or so. I thought this was needed. But else you can use Mapi. If this response was usefull to you, please mark it with a Star!
  3. jantie78

    Opening Excel files.

    Yes, you can! It is quite simple and looks alot like VBA in Excel. Look for example at this link : http://www.freevbcode.com/ShowCode.Asp?ID=329 Greetz, Jan If this response was usefull to you, please mark it with a Star!
  4. jantie78

    Send a .txt file as email from program.

    Sure, you can do this, but the client pc must have Outlook installed (Not Outlook Express). You have to make a reference to Microsoft Outlook9 Object Library. For more info, look here : http://www.vbcodemagician.dk/tips/office_sendmail.htm Greetz, Jan If this response was usefull to you...
  5. jantie78

    .AddNew without opening entire tbl in recordset

    Forgot some quotes I think... con.Execute ("INSERT INTO tblReference (ProdID, ProdDesc, ProdType) " & _ "VALUES ('" & ProdID & "', '" & cboDesc.Text & "', '" & ProdType & "')") If this response was usefull to you, please mark it with a...
  6. jantie78

    alternative IDE available for .net?

    Hi, C# and VB.NET, SharpDevelop: http://www.icsharpcode.net/OpenSource/SD/default.asp ASP.NET, WebMatrix: http://www.asp.net Greets, Jan If this response was usefull to you, please mark it with a Star!
  7. jantie78

    Add an icon for a project

    http://www.impactsoft.com/ : Home of Microangelo, complete suite. Or look at tucows or downloads.com. Many choices! But I think Microangelo is the best. Greetz, Jan If this response was usefull to you, please mark it with a Star!
  8. jantie78

    form developed on 19" monitor doesn't work on 14"

    You could set the StartUpPosition property of the form to CenterScreen. Or you can set the WindowState to Maximized. Greets, Jan If this response was usefull to you, please mark it with a Star!
  9. jantie78

    Connecting to AS/400 thru VB 6.0

    I think AS/400 provides an ODBC driver for accessing data in the database. Just install that driver. Afther the you can use ADO to access your database. Greetz, Jan If this response was usefull to you, please mark it with a Star!
  10. jantie78

    ms flex grid simpe doubt

    Hi, Try this : object.ColAlignment(Index) [=value] The settings for value are: Constant Value Description flexAlignLeftTop 0 The column content is aligned left, top. flexAlignLeftCenter 1 Default for strings. The column content is aligned left, center. flexAlignLeftBottom 2 The column...
  11. jantie78

    DataGrid Column width resets itself

    When you right-click on the DataGrid, you can choose 'Retreive fields' from the pop-up menu. Now you can layout the colums. Let me know if it worked, Jan If this response was usefull to you, please mark it with a Star!
  12. jantie78

    .AddNew without opening entire tbl in recordset

    In that case you are right! If this response was usefull to you, please mark it with a Star!
  13. jantie78

    ASP - Adding and Takeing

    I think you made a mistake with this sql statement : strSQL = "SELECT tprinters.printermake, tprinters.notonersinhouse, tprinters.nounusedtoners " strSQL = strSQL & "FROM tprinters " strSQL = strSQL & "WHERE tprinters.printermake =" & "'" &...
  14. jantie78

    .AddNew without opening entire tbl in recordset

    When you open a RecordSet and you use a clientside cursor with a large table, it can take a long time just to open the recordset. I think just the inserting is as fast with a recordset than sql. But opening a recordset can take some time... If this response was usefull to you, please mark it...
  15. jantie78

    .AddNew without opening entire tbl in recordset

    I always use SQL, this is always faster! If this response was usefull to you, please mark it with a Star!
  16. jantie78

    Positioning forms...

    Hi, Try this : 'frmA is the main form on the left-side 'frmB will appear on the right of frmA frmB.Top = frmA.Top frmB.Left = frmA.Left + frmA.Width Greets, Jan If this response was usefull to you, please mark it with a Star!
  17. jantie78

    .AddNew without opening entire tbl in recordset

    Hi, You can write your the SQL statement for the update yourself! Dim conn As New ADODB.Connection Dim sql As String conn.ConnectionString = "..." sql = "INSERT INTO myTable (Field1, Field2) VALUES ('val1','val2')" conn.Execute(sql) conn.Close Greetz, Jan If this...
  18. jantie78

    Changing the time slices devoted to different running applications

    A simple (quick and dirty) solution is to add some DoEvent statements. This will force the current thread to pause and give other threads the oportunity to go on with their tasks. But be careful with this! What I would recommend is implementing free threading. But this is not so simple. You...
  19. jantie78

    selecting using adodc record source

    Hi, If letter_type is a text-field (non-numeric), you should add some quotes like this : Adodc1.RecordSource = ("SELECT * FROM letter_history WHERE letter_type = '" & LetterType & "'") Greetz, Jan If this response was usefull to you, please mark it with a Star!
  20. jantie78

    using VB .NET to get data from and to an AS400

    Maybe it helps using the ODBC .NET dataprovider. This works better then using ODBC with OLEBD. You can download it here : http://download.microsoft.com/download/dasdk/Install/1.0.4030.0/W98NT42KMeXP/EN-US/odbc_net.msi Greetz, Jan If this response was usefull to you, please mark it with a Star!

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