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Search results for query: *

  1. Christi

    inserting current date

    Thank you very much intervb! That is exactly what I want. Thanks again c
  2. Christi

    inserting current date

    can anyone please tell me how to display current date on forms block. I have almost completed my forms design. However, I need to have the current display on the forms main menu screen. any ideas will be greatly appreciated. christi
  3. Christi

    exception handling cursors

    Hi lewisp! Yea, the first thing I did was check the size of the data versus the size of the variable I declare. that is not problem. I am also nt concatenating any string. What I think might be the problem is that I am not looping the cursor. Any time I try t loop, it will hang. I don't know. I...
  4. Christi

    exception handling cursors

    I am writing a cursor in forms. I test it and it appears to be working but after a while, I receive an oracle exception: ora-06502 - value error. how can I resolve, please?
  5. Christi

    calling a stored procedure

    I created a stored procedure called gt_names for my forms. the stored procedure has 3 in parameters and 4 out parameters. example create or replace gt_names(p_code1 in t.code1%type, p_code2 in b.id1%type, p_code3 in...
  6. Christi

    Before and After trigger - when to use

    sem, thank you again. I believe you have helped a lot before. One other question, if you don't mind. So if I have a requirement that says: after insert or update of column_Name if t = 'Y' or r = '' then message('do something'); end if; How do you suggest I handle considering that it involves...
  7. Christi

    Before and After trigger - when to use

    I know this question is dumb but please forgive me. Like I said in an earlier thread, I am a newbie on forms, reports. My question when do I use before insert, update, delete and after insert, update, delete? I have some fields that need to perform certain actions after insert/update/delete but...
  8. Christi

    Form Trigger

    sorry! i found where to go on your response - key-commit thanks again. I am really dumb!!
  9. Christi

    Form Trigger

    lewisp thank you. I do have a follow-up question. To use the go-item trigger, where do I go? I mean do I go to the block or item, click trigger and select when-validate-item or what? I tried selecting go-item trigger but it is not pulling that up. I am sorry, I am new at this.
  10. Christi

    Form Trigger

    sem thank you for your response! Actually, it did not compile. It is supposed to move cursor to column_name called call_vdate before any update is done. The parenthesis was fixed but I pasted the wrong code. The problem is with this syntax: call_vdate := Nextt_Item; Below is the correct code...
  11. Christi

    Form Trigger

    can someone please take a look at this trigger and explain to me why it is not working. What I am trying to do is make sure that cursor is moved to a specific field before an update is done on that table. the algorithm is like this: pre-update trigger before update on tableName next_item =...
  12. Christi

    Form Trigger

    can someone please take a look at this trigger and explain to me why it is not working. What I am trying to do is make sure that cursor is moved to a specific field before an update is done on that table. the algorithm is like this: pre-update trigger before update on tableName next_item =...
  13. Christi

    fetch error

    I created a form but found out that the first record was omitted. I opened up the layout editor and added this column name. Now after executing the form, I could not fetch the next record. Any attemp to do so would raise error: FRM-40507: ORACLE error: unable to fetch next query record. Is...
  14. Christi

    calling stored procs from reports

    can someone please tell me how to use trigger to call stored procedure in Oracle reports. for instance, i have a stored proc called get_emp_no. How can I write a trigger in Oracle Reports to call this procedure? thank you very much C.

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