I think macro variables are always character data, so you need to convert it back to a numeric field before comparing it to another date.
Try changing your Where clause to something like:
where eff_end_dt = input("&newdate",date9.);
Hope this helps.
I tried running your code "as is" and got the same error message. When I added the file path to the %include statement, the code seemed to run fine. Hope this helps.
I'm not sure if this is correct, but don't you need to add a trailing @ before the semicolon on your first INPUT statement (to hold the current observation)? For example:
INPUT @9 RPT 2. @;
Hope this helps. I've always worked with fixed records on the mainframe, so I'm not very...
Sorry, I didn't read your post with sufficient care. I don't know if you can suppress "The MEANS Procedure" within proc means. I looked in the online documentation and didn't see anything under this proc or under system options. But if it's really a problem you could use proc...
proc means noprint;
You could also use proc summary. By default, it produces no printed output. There may be some minor differences between the two procedures, but I believe they are generally interchangeable.
Couldn't you do this with proc freq? If the code number is called "codenum":
proc freq data=whatever;
tables codenum;
Add order=freq to the proc freq statement if you want the codes to appear in order of greatest frequency. However, maybe I didn't understand your question...
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