Hello Everyone,
i have a Problem with a Customer that has two J100 Phones as Remote Worker on the ASBCE. After a Call the Phones freeze only a reboot helps till to the next call. Does someone know that problem and have a Solution for that?
"But still, the handset needs to be subscribed which is not possible until someone clicks the blue IPEI link in Manager. How can you do this without logging in to DECT Manager?" that is the Problem.
it would be nice if there was a Checkbox in the Security Settings of the IPO that adds the...
how can it be done by the end user? Normally you add the IPEI in the IPO and then you go to the DECT Master and press the IPEI after that the phone will register.
Hello Everyone,
is it possible to add a User Administrator to the IP DECT Master with Provisioning activ? I don't like to give the Customer the admin Password.
did you try to create a Extention with 3rd Party Licence? One of my Customers had a problem with over booking, that was the solution for that. Because the licences did refresh.
Hallo Florian, ich schreibe es mal auf Deutsch. Bei einen Normalen Anruf wird der richtige Contact Header mitgeschickt aber bei einen Anruf wo die Rufnummer unterdrückt wird, wird nicht der richtige Contact Header mit geschickt. Mit %HEADERS["Contact"][1].URI.USER = "+4919929600000xxxxx"...
Hello everyone,
can some one tell how i can change wíth the Sigma script the Contact Header? i have the Problem that anonymous calls don't go out because the Provider gives a 403 forbidden.
SBC: Avaya SBC
Provider: Telekom Deutschland
Product: CompanyFlex
Sigma script...
#################### AUDIBLE ALERTING #######################
## Specifies the audible alerting setting for the telephone
## and whether users may change this setting.
## A value of 0 turns off audible alerting; user cannot
## adjust ringer volume at all.
## A value of 1...
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