I plan to call Veritas support tomorrow and I wanted to get some final suggestions to my problem before making the call.
Backup Exec V.8.0 Build 3316 returns a failed job status when attempting to backup a Microsoft Exchange 5.5 SP4 Directory and Information Store.
Unable to attach to...
I'm using BE 8.0 on an NT4 Server to backup all my critical files. The total size of all my critial files is approximately 55GB. Im using DLT IV catridges which I know can hold 70GB (2:1)compressed. Unfortunately, my full backups get to 38GB and a request for scratch media comes up. I have...
The following errors show up in my event log every time I start an NTbackup of Exchange 5.5 Server.
Event ID: 8010
MS Exchg services returned 'Backup is already active. 'from a call to 'Backup Prepare[]'additional data 'Servername'
Event ID: 8010
End of Backup of "XXXX-XX\xx\dir...
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