reset the control unit for 30 secends and wait for 15 mins then format and recreate the SD Card.
after re-creation connect back to back with the IPO and ping on from cmd. don't forget to give your eth interface static IP with the same range.
after the ping replies and becomes...
you should check the port martix of ACCS server and the relation between the server and the client machines.
there is a udp port range should be opened.
try to delete the default IP route record and create each subnet for its' assigned interface. then safely shut down or reboot the server.
restart the unregistered phones after the server is up and all services are running and operational.
login to the App server by concol or putty and check the network interfaces by " ifconfig " command and " ifconfig eth0 up "command.
restart the network service and restart the server.
i am not getting info from my mind, it is all what Avaya say's and no issues will happen in the future and i am working this way since 4 years with more than 20 customer and they have no issues. i am not making any mistakes and not having excuses. and this way from the beginning was done by...
it is working with me perfectly with the 46xxsettings file. and your solution is correct too my friend.
it can work with any of the 2 files 46xxsettings and 46xxspecials . any one of them will do the purpose.
as per the settings file you attached.
i have edited it for you. you can upload it directly to the IPO embedded file system. and restart K175 phone.
try to type in the file server setting on the K175 phone the following address:
you should use the auto generated file settings (copy and paste to new txt file ) and edit or update it with the K175 parameters then upload it to the IPO files system again.
what are the parameters you added in the 46xxsettings.txt file that you uploaded to the IPO?
did you configured the file server address in the K175 phone settings manually first?
can you verify that the K175 phone reach and connect to the file server from the configuration verifier screen from...
on IPO :
1- go to security settings on IPO. change the system password from unsecured interfaces tab.
2- check all the checkboxes of the unsecured interfaces.
3- go to services tab>> then change the services to "unsecure+secure".
4- save the configurations.
on ACCS :
1- from start>> click on...
you should follow up the ACCS port martix guide as below : you should open the multicast and unicast ports for real-time statistics between the client desktops and server machine.
if the desktops running microsoft edge, you should load the page in internet explorer mode : IE mode.
you are right bro. it is really seems that this new rocky Linux product not tested yet.
i didn't face this issue yet. i will try to test it.
send me the steps to update.
i am facing the same issue here with primary and secondary too.
i will try to re-deploy the 2 VMs again and re-ignite them and will open a ticket with Avaya id i still have the issue.
will update ASAP.
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