No problem. I didn't include that information so its not that easy to know.
But i have been searching the helpfiles some and found that there is a way to set the formula but then i have to use something called CRPEAuto instead of CRAXDRT.
Do u know what the difference is?
Dim objCRSection As...
When i talked to the company were we purchased the CR they said that i can have up to 5 concurrent users, comes with the software, without any extra license or im i wrong?
(5 concurrent, meaning that i can create 5 instances of the CRAXDRT report object.)
Sorry i dint not include all info.
Im using RDC and i add all objects in the report from VB6.
So what i do i to add a group using the oCRReport.AddGroup
and after that i do
Set crSection = oCRReport.Sections.Item([Added section name])
crSection.NewPageAfter = True
But i cant find...
I got a problem then trying to add a summaryfield from VB to a report using the method:
Set crSummaryFieldObject = crSection.AddSummaryFieldObject(Field1, crSTPercentage, lXpos, 0, Field2)
the error is "Invalid summary type.". Other summary types workd just fine like crSTSum...
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