For fitedgar & TamarGranor: Many thanks for your suggestions. fitedgars' gave me the first element of the array and TamarGranor's gave me the whole array! From there, I was able to see the contents of the array just as I had hoped for from right within FoxPro.
For Mike Lewis: Thanks to you...
For fitedgar & TamarGranor: It sure seems like I came to the right place! Both of yoou have provided prompt and very simple keys to unlock the task that has been puzzling me for almost a whole week.
I will put the suggestions to the test and report back within a day or so as several other...
As an old-time user (77 years old) of FoxPro 2.6 (Yeah! I know it's sort of ancient, but so am I [tongue] ), I'm interested in finding solutions for better understanding and using arrays within some of the programs I've created in the the past. Despite lots of time searching the Internet, I've...
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