hello experts...
I have a combobox containing data which is a column of a table.
So far I have used code like this:
Public column_name, column_name1, column_name2, column_name3, column_name4, ;
column_name5, column_name6, column_name7, column_name8, column_name9
to detect my column at my table i used this coding :
Use In (Select('crsResult13'))
SELECT COL.name AS ColumnName, TYP.name AS DataTypeName,
COL.precision, COL.scale,
COL.is_nullable, COL.is_identity,
TYP.max_length AS MaxLength, TAB.name AS...
thanks, mr. Mike. with out any cast function it work properly.. i mean by my code that i store set value to ?m.lcValue, i store cast function are fine to use or not.
are this coding fine to use :
local lcValue, lcValue1, lcValue2, lcValue3, lcKeterangan
lcValue = thisform.text1.value && No Pengajuan
lcValue1 = trim(thisform.text3.value) && No. Rekening
UPDATE dbo.jaminan
SET norekening =...
Dear Expert..
I don't know if I post this question in the VFP forum or the SQl Server forum.
because I use vfp 8 with Sql Database back end, so I asked in this forum...
I have code like this below:
local lcValue, lcValue1
lcValue = thisform.text1.value && No Pengajuan
lcValue1 =...
If I browse crsresult3 several columns and their contents will appear.
What I'm asking is in what column the data I'm looking for is in the column.
below is an image of the crsResult3 table
if I search for the name of something with the locate() function and know the column names, as an...
Dear Expert..
I have a classic question. and I don't understand how to solve it, namely looking for a column where the contents of that column are exactly the same as the VFP textbox. The following is the coding that I use.
select crsResult3
lcVar = thisform.text1.value
for lnColumn = 1 to...
Hey experts,
it seems my question is classic.
I have code like below.
select * from crsresult where alltrim(thisform.text1.value) = thisform.text2.value into cursor 'crsResult1'
where textbox1 and textbox2 come from the afterrowcolchange grid, ie
i don't know about (m.) is, i just copy it.[ponder], i think (m.) is kind like symbol memovariable.
by the way can i call statement to open sql server database with script in vfp like below.
Local KONEKSI, lnResult
STORE SQLCONNECT('murya1','murya2','murya3_database') TO KONEKSI
lnResult =...
thanks.. Chriss for suggestion.[bigsmile]. Regarding m identification or the letter m in front of lcValue, I just copied the writing from a question in the SQL Server Development forum. i mean infront ncolindex ..[smile2], also i cant store anchor property at my grid, in Mark or Chriss Grid are...
thanks Chriss its done.. i just forgot the last code..
thisform.text2.Value = EVALUATE(this.Columns(m.nColIndex).ControlSource)
Local lcSQL1, lcValue, lnResult
lcValue = EVALUATE(this.Columns(m.nColIndex).ControlSource)
Use In (Select('crsResult1'))
TEXT TO m.lcSQL1...
I have thoughts that deviate from the topic. How do I add a double click event to the code provided to call another table cursor based on the contents of the cell value, below my code.
thisform.text2.Value = EVALUATE(this.Columns(m.nColIndex).ControlSource)
Local lcSQL1...
I got goosebumps when I saw this answer, actually this is what I was looking for. Thank you for your time and understanding in helping me learn about VFP grids.[love2][love2]
Hay Mark, your suggestion is near that i want, show all data in single row that column or row i have been press. my question is just simple.
that textbox2 changes along with one of the rows of data I press, not based on a particular column or row in the grid?
wherever the row and column I press...
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