I spoke with the customer again (friend from church) and I'm not certain how they had it set up. After the lines ring a few times I believe callers could hear a greeting and be routed to an ext or dial 0 for gen del. Then they would check ext 21 for msgs. The problem their having is that after a...
I don't work on these enough to remember where the problem is. Cust had all calls delayed to leave all messages in the general del mb. problem now is they go to ext 22 all the time. How can I set it to just go to GD?
Another tech in our company set up a nupoint on a 200el/ml @15 years ago. For some reason, he could not do single numbers. In the main greeting you hear "to reach an ext press the pound #" then the system asks you for an ext number. I'm tasked to see why or how I can set up the single digit...
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