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Search results for query: *

  1. goBoating

    retrieve environment variables for an arbitrary process

    Thanks for the prompt, but, I've posted this same question to several HPUX specific fora (including on hp.com) and get the same answer. Have also spent a fair amount of time in white papers and man pages to no avail. HPUX doesn't do that trick with out something like GDB. Thanks, anyway...
  2. goBoating

    retrieve environment variables for an arbitrary process

    Apparently, this is not possible without employing a tool like the Gnu Debugger or similar or rewriting that functionality. 'hope this helps If you are new to Tek-Tips, please use descriptive titles, check the FAQs, and beware the evil typo.
  3. goBoating

    retrieve environment variables for an arbitrary process

    More of a Perl programmer than HP-UX Sys Admin. There are a few posts related to this, but, none of the answer work for me, yet. I am in the situation of determining security compliance for a number of machines. The rule set I must check includes checking the environment variables for...
  4. goBoating

    track down source of interference? package method works in one, not in another?

    Unfortunately, in a situation where I cannot post the full code. So, I have to stick to sanitized examples and philosophy. Windows 32bit perl running on Windows 2008 R2 (64bit). Nearly everything works, except.... #!perl use strict; use Win32::Lanman; use Data::Dumper; my $arrayRef = []...
  5. goBoating

    System files ownership got changed

    They would have if the files in question had previously been owned by that user:group. 'hope this helps If you are new to Tek-Tips, please use descriptive titles, check the FAQs, and beware the evil typo.
  6. goBoating

    How to remove password authentication on a Unix server.

    Ummm... Don't. 'hope this helps If you are new to Tek-Tips, please use descriptive titles, check the FAQs, and beware the evil typo.
  7. goBoating

    Data parsing

    If you wanted to use a regular expression.... #!perl my $line = ('id:2 name:test1 longname:test2 with space longname description:here is my description.id:10 name:test3 longname:test 4 long name description:a discription of test 5'); my %hash; while ($line =~...
  8. goBoating

    use a system lib with Perl?

    rharsh, thanks for the reply. I had surfed the monastery, but, did not find that thread. And, this seems relevant - http://docstore.mik.ua/orelly/perl2/prog/ch21_03.htm 'hope this helps If you are new to Tek-Tips, please use descriptive titles, check the FAQs, and beware the evil typo.
  9. goBoating

    use a system lib with Perl?

    I need to get the 'raw' context associated with a given selinuxsecuritycontext for a file or pid. You don't need to know what that means except that the only way I can find to get that info is via the system lib 'context_range_get'. See "http://linux.die.net/man/3/context_range_get". How do...
  10. goBoating

    how to invoke external progrmme and capture its output

    use IPC::Run; Gives you the results, a timeout limit, any errors spit back through STERR, etc. Works very nicely. 'hope this helps If you are new to Tek-Tips, please use descriptive titles, check the FAQs, and beware the evil typo.
  11. goBoating

    Cannot update record in file with Dump module

    First, I'm rather pedantic and tend to use explicit variables rather that playing with $_, except in very well defined and brief instances. And, drop some print statements in a few places to see what's working and what's not. while ( my $line = <MEGADATA> ) { print "LINE: $line"; next...
  12. goBoating

    'Breaking a forum rule, here. I po

    'Breaking a forum rule, here. I posted this in the Linux Server section, but, it is getting no attention. So, please pardon my lack of internet fora social grace as I re-post it, here. I need to query the state(s) of the selinux booleans on a system. The 'getsebool' command appears to do...
  13. goBoating

    determine selinux boolean states?

    I need to query the state(s) of the selinux booleans on a system. The 'getsebool' command appears to do the trick. However, on all the machines I have access to, I can't find an example of a 'pending' status, which appears to be a valid state. I have plenty of examples of 'active/inactive'...
  14. goBoating

    Apache and CGI Application

    They are getting a little dated, but, see the FAQs for this forum.... if you're still working on this. 'hope this helps If you are new to Tek-Tips, please use descriptive titles, check the FAQs, and beware the evil typo.
  15. goBoating

    How to wrap RPM output in XML?

    Yep. That's it. Thanks a ton. I also found that you can wrap the full output of rpm like: $ rpm -q -xml httpd 'hope this helps If you are new to Tek-Tips, please use descriptive titles, check the FAQs, and beware the evil typo.
  16. goBoating

    How to wrap RPM output in XML?

    man rpm says that I can use the --queryformat with the :xml arg to wrap the output of rpm in XML. I cannot find an example of the syntax. Getting formats is pretty straight forward: >rpm -qa -qf "%{NAME}\n" But, how do I use the 'qf' functionality to tell it to wrap the output in XML, as it...
  17. goBoating

    Determine environment vars for a given PID on Mac OS X

    'ps -Eww $PID' does the trick. When using 'ps' in a terminal, 'ps' truncates its output to the width of the terminal. The 'ww' tells 'ps' to use as much width as necessary to display the info. 'hope this helps If you are new to Tek-Tips, please use descriptive titles, check the FAQs, and...
  18. goBoating

    Determine environment vars for a given PID on Mac OS X

    Is there no section of Mac OS X on Tek-Tips? There is a server version. Does it not make the grade to be in this section of TTs? Looked. Didn't see one. Anyway, here goes. On Mac OS X, for a given process ID, what is the best/most direct way to determine the environment variables (e.g...
  19. goBoating

    default protocol for a service running via xinetd

    It appears that in most cases, the 'protocol' can be inferred from the 'socket-type'. If the socket-type is stream, protocol will be tcp. If socket-type is dgram, protocol will be udp. 'hope this helps If you are new to Tek-Tips, please use descriptive titles, check the FAQs, and beware the...
  20. goBoating

    perl script problem

    If firefox is asking you if you want to save the file, that likely means your web server is spitting out the text of the Perl code instead of executing the Perl code. Do other CGI applications work on this server/machine? My suspicion is that you don't have Apache configured correctly to run...

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