This is the log to IPO Taskserver with TTS Console
V3592a 08:33:54.840 TC_Info Connect pbx with TSPI interface. MS-TAPI is not used.
V3625a 08:33:54.843 TS_TSM Connection to Taskservermanager established.
V4132a 08:34:02.107 TC_General TSM->T...
the system was working until a power outage and the server hosting the VM was shutdown abruptly. I reinstalled last night the SP2 version, I regenerated the certificate, as well as the PLDS file. But the pb persists.
Thank you for help
I have a pb with my IPOCC (Ver. 10.1.2) the TAPI service is down, I have change the system password to IPO 500 and the same to PBX in IPOCC. I have veify the licence CTI Link is ok on SSA.
Could you have a solution please (sorry for my English, I'm French man….)
Thank you for help
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