Hello Everyone,
Thanks so much for all of the help so far. I truly appreciate it. I apologize for the late response I am quite busy.
I am exporting the results of a query. When I don't create a CSV i am exporting to XLS. I then have to open the XLS file and save it as an XLSX file to get the...
Hello All,
I have a VFP program that will dump some data to an XLS file. When I open the XLS files all of the Dates are set to DD-MM-YY format which causes excel to read the field as a text field instead of a date field. When I export the data to a CSV file the dates look correct and are...
I have a simple form project that will take a value and use that to do some SQL statements. I am trying to check the textbox to make sure there is a value actually present in the textbox after the "go" button is pushed. In the code of for the click event of the button I have some code to execute...
I have built an EXE that will pull some data and put the data into some text boxes. I use this small exe to help make changes where I need to by updating some tables on my own, then recheck the values. The problem I am encountering is that when I update the tables and check the exe again the old...
Hey guys this has helped me immensely. Thanks for the pointers and the help.
Now I have another question. Please me know if it requires a new thread:
MY exe is not working precisely how I'd like.
MY exe will take a policy number (Primary key on most tables) and the run 3 sum queries and put...
I was able to get the exe to work, however I now have 1 more question
1. When clicking on the exe the VFP window opens, is it possible to have just the form show up and nothing else?
first off I want to thank everyone here for helping me out so much in the past few months. I am attempting to build a suite of tools to help me with my job. I am very thankful for the help.
I have created a small program that uses 1 single form to execute 3 SQL queries and put the result of the...
shouldn't Recno = 1 work because this would be the top record always?
so UPDATE Reinstrn SET Reinsprem = 33 WHERE date >= DATE(2017,08,01) AND Policy Like 'CPP1400001367' AND RECNO()=1
SELECT TOP 1 RECNO() as RecTop FROM reinstrn WHERE date >= DATE(2017,08,01) AND Policy Like 'BOP1900000263' AND code NOT like 'MBR1' ORDER BY Policy INTO ARRAY laTop
SELECT reinstrn Replace reinsprem WITH 33 WHERE Recno = laTop
I am getting an error saying "Command contains unrecognized...
I have an interesting scenario:
I need to update the bottom or top record of a group of records that are exactly the same. (not my design, legacy software that is on its way out). I can't seem to find the correct logic in SQL to do this. I either update all of them or none of them. Is there a...
After reading all of the responses, I have decided to go with the Cursor Method that Olaf posted because it makes the most sense. There is only 1 value that I am pulling and there wouldn't be a need to an array. Thanks again to all who helped.
Okay so I've updated my SQL to look as follows:
SELECT SUM(reinsprem) FROM reinstrn WHERE date >= DATE(2017,08,01) AND Policy Like PolNum AND code NOT like 'MBR1' INTO Array laCurVal
and have tested with this line:
MESSAGEBOX(laCurVal + CHR(10) + NewVal)
The program fails there on the test line...
Newbie question: How do I access the data in VFP 9.0 from the following SQL?
SELECT SUM(reinsprem) AS CurrVal FROM reinstrn WHERE date >= DATE(2017,08,01) AND Policy Like PolNum AND code NOT like 'MBR1' INTO CURSOR A1
All I need to do is get the returned value of CurrVal in the cursor A1...
Actually I have figured the problems out with this project.
I am importing the data into a new table with the wizard and then doing an update join query for the target table. The target table is so large and I am only updating 2 fields that it made more sense to me to only do a small update...
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