The backup job keeps failing with the error message: "1 retry attempted
43705:save: Save Operations value is ignored on this OS platform.
7279:save: SYSTEM DB: is a legacy SYSTEM save set name and is invalid as a VSS SYSTEM save set name. VSS is currently enabled, so a VSS SYSTEM save set name...
I have one PC that I want to give access to just one web site?
We have a NSA 3500 model firewall, How can I accomplish this?
It wasn't me, it was someone that looks a lot like me . . . .
This is looking good, just to clarify: which date and time will I put? and this info should go instead of the "savetime" in your command? or savetime=?
I am not to clear on what the "savetime>'-5 days',savetime<'-3 days'" -r "volume,savetime(20)" part does. What is the (20) for?
I will give this...
Silly me, coming from the windows world of other back up applications were a backup job is called a "job" I forgot that Networker call them "groups", sorry for the misunderstanding.
So the answer is YES, I use different "groups" called weekly one, and weekly two, etc. I am trying to determine...
What I mean is that we have different "jobs" scheduled. For example, we have two large jobs, one called weekly one and the second one is weekly two, both jobs run obviously on a weekly basis. I would like to know what tapes were used for each job, I have find out that just checking the dates on...
I am new to Legato and need to figuere out what tapes were used for an specific job, we have many jobs running and even though the tapes are label with the job pool name, if you have an older tape from same pool was used to restore from, this tape will be label with the date it was last used...
I am using BE 10d and have a weekly media set that "should" be overwrite protected for a month, but media is only being protected for a few days. How can I change the media overwrite protection window to a month instead of just days??
It wasn't me, it was someone that looks a lot like me . . . .
Hi all, my questions is about printers in general. We have many printers and becomes a problem when users jump around login in into many computers and their printers are not installed. Is there a way to attach the printer to a "computer" instead of a user account, the idea is to have the printer...
Does anyone know about a way to Restrict user from user an specific printer during certain times o the day? let's say 2 hours in the morning from 9 to 11 or some like that . . .
We have a department that need exclusive use to this printer, we don want anybody interrupting this printer during...
Ok Guys, so I am messing with VMware ESX 3 (Red Hat ver ?)First Things first, I don't even know what version of RH is running, so how do I determine this?
The big Issue for me is that I have a Iomega Drive (NTFS) and I am trying to "mount" a share onto the VMware (RH Linux ?) so I can store the...
This is only for OWA, so this is something that our DNS handler (like AT&T) should do? NOT done in our internal DNS, am I correct? Thanks for all your help!
It wasn't me, it was someone that looks a lot like me . . . .
Thanks for your reply Lebisol, but now suppose I do have the new domain name ready, where in the Exchange server I will go to make that change?
It wasn't me, it was someone that looks a lot like me . . . .
I need to add a NEW url to our existing Exchange server 2003 so our users can use http://owa.newURL/exchange when retriving email from the road. Can anyone tell me how do I do this?
It wasn't me, it was someone that looks a lot like me . . . .
Hi all, I am trying to gain access to a XP shared folder from linux machine, I am running samba (SMB) but I don't know how to do this.
I have read many how to's and lots of info on the internet but too much information is overwelming, Does anybody can tell me how to acomplish this? Step by step...
Thanks Peter. I did so those logs but I guess my point is that they are NOT like they used to be in NT 4, where you used to have the user name, time that the user log in, log out and the total time that user spend on line. Besides, they are a text file that anybody can just type. If you are...
Is there a way to find out the users logged on to a Windows server?
Can I disconnect the users to avoid data corruption?
This will be usefull when I need to do maintenance on a server.
It wasn't me, it was someone that looks a lot like me . . . .
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