Hi Skip,
The trip to Ireland was good, but no time to see anything except airport and offices!
Have now had a bit of time to test out the revised code and as you say, no crashes, which is great.
'Call System_Macros.Enquiry5 'took this out. Is it REALLY necessary?'
Yes it is, it goes to...
Lots to look at now, thanks (I think!). Yes, definitely thank you.
A couple of explanations:
Holy macro! What are you doing right off the bat in the Mouse_down event?
Sheets("Cosmos Chart").Select
itemrefrange = Sheets("Formulae").Range("A1203").Value
I had a post on the MS Office forum about how to interrogate an Excel Scatter Chart point so that I could display more information about the record that had created the point.
Skip Vought replied immediately with a cracking answer, which I have incorporated and works very well, with one...
Hi Skip,
Thanks again. I will look to incorporate that as well.
The Cosmos chart was a fairly recent addition to the inventory model and provides a very quick visual interpretation of the overall profile, but just begged for the ability to click on a chart data point and be able to find out...
Hi Skip,
All looking great. I have incorporated your code as a new macro in the Stock Model, extended it so that the 'Item' that is identified from it is used as the input into the 'Item Enquiry' screen macro, and have added the dynamic update of the 'Item_Ref' range (was 'Item', but I had to...
Hi Skip,
Oh wow! That is great! Exactly what I needed, thank you so much.
From what you have done I can extend the code to use the 'Item' code now identified, as the input into another, existing, macro to display the 'Item Enquiry' screen for the selected item.
The 'Base' and 'End' columns...
Thanks for your instant reply!
The chart is a separate chart sheet.
The Excel file is an analysis tool for inventory and the scatter chart is constructed by a macro from a report run within the tool.
I want the drill-down to find the record reference, which is a 'part number', that has...
I have an Excel file that creates a standard 2-axis 'Scatter' chart from a separate Excel worksheet, within the same workbook. If I hover over any of the points I can see the co-ordinates that have created it, but would like to be able to 'click' on the point to get back directly to the...
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