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Search results for query: *

  1. JRCharlie


    OELI_Order_No| Oeli_Guid| Field_name | Mask 014587 | asd456gf | PO | 1457 014567 |asd456gf | Eta |2017/11/11 Hi have a table in this format with 50+ different Field_Name for one Order some orders could have more then others. I Would like Do a Select that would put...
  2. JRCharlie

    ERROR in Assigment

    Thanks Mirtheil for the help
  3. JRCharlie

    ERROR in Assigment

    HI I have a Pervasive database with a table that one of the columns is a masked textbox . I'm trying to retreave the information on the mask cell using a SUBSTING Function. It seams to work fine when just using the substring to return the values (column a,b,c,d) but I get the error in assigment...
  4. JRCharlie

    Pervasive connection String

    Actully there were tables with the same column names. When the columns were renamed then the data was correct.
  5. JRCharlie

    Pervasive connection String

    Hi Why connection to a pervasive DB using a DSN Connection string Friend CW_Schedule As New OdbcConnection("DSN=SCHEDULE") many of the columns are empty, While if I use Friend CW_Schedule As New OdbcConnection("Driver={Pervasive ODBC Client Interface};ServerName=;dbq=SCHEDULE;") All...
  6. JRCharlie

    InValid Column Name

    Thanks For Demostration. The Schedule Table holds all the Orders. While the view only holds the Orders ready for production but not shipped.
  7. JRCharlie

    InValid Column Name

    I specified "SCHEDULELOG" on the query because I have two databases in the same Engine. Instead of creating two Connection strings I was refering the Database by Spesifying it on the query. There is only one SCHEDULELOG Database. But by reading your last comment I created a new DSN for each...
  8. JRCharlie

    InValid Column Name

    If I Use SelectString the same query used to create the view the column does not show. If Selectstrin2 is used, I get the error that was originaly posted and it Fails at dr=.ExecuteReader Private Sub Read_Data() Dim wbcon As New OdbcConnection Dim cmd As New OdbcCommand...
  9. JRCharlie

    InValid Column Name

    When I run The Query on Both PCC And also tried on Flyspeed SQL and the column Shows. If I run the query from the Appliction the column does not show. I also tried renaming the column on the table , the same thing happens.
  10. JRCharlie

    InValid Column Name

    Thanks Mirtheil for your reply See the atachment for the fields that Consistes the View, i didn't post it here because it is Huge. This is the query I Used to create the view. CREATE VIEW "SCHEDULE_View" AS Select * From SCHEDULE WHERE REQUIRED<>'00000000' AND BVRES_00 = '' AND WHSE=01 AND...
  11. JRCharlie

    InValid Column Name

    Hi I Have a table named schedule that holds all the orders shipped and not shipped, Also I have a view Named Schedule_view Puling all the orders from Schedule that have not been Shipped and both the table and the View have a Column Named RevisionNo this in CPP 12. In My Application When I Pull...
  12. JRCharlie


    PCC takes 2min to exe the query into text. The application Times Out at 31sec.
  13. JRCharlie


    The only table that has Indexes is the Log table and it isn't in the query. Regarding the time it takes for PCC to execute the query into text I will reply tomorrow when I try.
  14. JRCharlie


    Thanks Mirtheil for your reply. Yes it has one column index, and yes it has many restrictions. Can the timeout be altered with code if it can how can I do it. here is the query I'm using SELECT...
  15. JRCharlie


    I have a VB.net application with 9 forms. They all pull Data from multiple Pervasive Databases on the Same Server using PCC V10. I'm Using the ODBC. When Retrieving all data from one table I get a time out error. I should also tell you that all the databases except the one that contains the...

Part and Inventory Search
