No , I mean the libraries which are in the TLB file in the uses statement .
It shows:
uses Windows, ActiveX, Classes, Graphics, OleServer, StdVCL, Variants;
In your main file are:
Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Variants, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms,
Dialogs, StdCtrls...
I copied the file from the link and the source code.
First you should add yhe "uses" units from the TLB file to the main unit as well.
Then I found errors in this part:
procedure TForm1.FormDblClick(Sender: TObject);
Ch: IWFChannel;
Event: TWFEvent;
Ch :=...
I added the manifest according to your instructions and now it works.
I modified my own check procedures to accommodate Win81 and Win10 and now it works fine.
I attached a zip with a demo program including all sources.
Due to this "automatic" adjusting of MS, my GUI looks quite different on...
The "TOSVERSIONINFOEX" definition cannot be found by the compiler.
When I add the definition from your link then "FExtendedInfo := GetVersionEx(LOSVE);" crashes because "LOSVE" does not have the right format....
Good idea, but pls check also the code I send you. I know most of it is identical (more or less) to what you did, nut the main unit (which does not compile) does other things as well. The compiler stops at "TOSVersionInfoEx" as undeclared identifier. When you leave out the "Ex" is does compile...
Think that's a good idea. Pls also include a section on how to add the manifest to a Delphi program.
I found also another source (sip attached), but it does not compile properly, but I do see differences in OS type when I made it ready for compilation.
I am not a low-level programmer, so maybe...
I tried your code with the "GreaterThen.." functions, but unfortunately they fail when tested on a Windows 10 machine.
Looking at your code it looks like you assume a Major Version number of 10 for Windows 10, but we all know that this scheme was thrown overboard after Windows 8 by MS.
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