A code concept of retreiving data would be nice...
but i inherited that application and have to migrate it to SQL asap. So the temp. tables looks like a good First-Step Soulution to 1:1 migrate the statements.
We have to maintain the old code, so it helps the others, if the code looks similair...
The variable should be in scope. I tested it with public for the parameter variable. Also i get an input prompt if not in scope.
This is what i dont understand.
My problem occurs only if u use the temp. tables.
nid = 1000
Sqlexec(nsqlhandle,"select * from adresse where adr_nid = ?nid) && return...
Update, i just read the posts from OlafDoschke
I tested within the same query like this:
nid = 1000
csql="select * into #curtest from adresse where adr_nid = ?nid; select * from #curtest"
SQlexec(nsqlhandle, csql)
This does work! But wy the #curtest is dropped. The handle is still the same...
nresult=SQLEXEC(nhandle,"select * into #curtemp from adresses where adr_nid = ?nid")
After this, with the same handle:
nresult=SQLEXEC(nhandle,"select * from #curtemp) : return -1
Error is: #curtemp unknown.
This problem only occurs if i use parameters, not if i use...
My problem is to translate the actual in-Code-Querys to SQL-Querys, when local cursors AND DBF-Tables are accessed in the same query
e.g.in FoxPro:
select * from adress where adr_lint = .t. into cursor curAdrInt
select * from jobs inner join curAdrInt on job_nadrid= job_nid into cursor...
We´re migrating our application from the FoxPro-Database to Microsoft SQL.
To translate the SQL-Statements with Cursor-DBF-Joins we want to use the temporary tables of T-SQL:
nresult=SQLEXEC(nhandle,"select * into #curtemp from adresses")
This is working fine. We can access #curtemp as a...
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