It appears to be converting the time in the report to a number on the graph. 26 seconds is .43 of a minute (26 is to 60 as .43 is to 100) As far as the axis I cannot see where it lets me change it to time and I don't see why it is doing it by itself.
So I have a modification to this report and need some opinions on how to do this. First my time result that is showing minutes:seconds in the group list correctly, once it shows on the graph it is showing like a number and formatting does not give me a time choice (i.e. - in the list it shows...
So I looked up Duration and cannot see how to apply it here since it looks like financial duration
Duration (settlementDate, maturityDate, couponRate, yield, frequency)
Duration (settlementDate, maturityDate, couponRate, yield, frequency, basis)
Can you elaborate a little more on how I could use Duration here? You see my original formula above that is giving me my correct answer in seconds (time) and I just need it to display on the line chart as mm:ss. The solution I used directly above that is giving me the correct format is not even...
Betty that did the trick and it is giving me minutes:seconds like I wanted, however because it is a string field, crystal won't allow it to be a field chosen in the line chart. Only time and numbers apparently. Thoughts / ideas?
So this is what I did and the result that I got.
First from the thread above this - CRtimeFromSecsSinceMidnight(PthPercentile (90, {@travel}, {FCalls_With_Staff.CALL_CREATED_DATE},"monthly")) is a formula field called Monthly Travel. What I did was create a new formula to do the conversion...
I am using the formula below to calculate a time and it is returning the results below:
CRtimeFromSecsSinceMidnight(PthPercentile (90, {@travel}, {FCalls_With_Staff.CALL_CREATED_DATE},"monthly"))
The translation of the results is actually 11 min 15 sec...
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