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Search results for query: *

  1. Julierme

    Selecting leaflet markers and changing marker icons

    I have data coming from a Json file and I created a layer based on this Json file using markerClusterGroup. I am hitting the wall trying to do two things: 1 - Select some markers based on some Json's feature ("temperatura", "salinidade","corrente", "profundidade" e "geofisico") in xbt.json and...
  2. Julierme

    Objinfo HTML

    Hi All I have a objinfo.html table in my code. objinfo.html("<br/><table>"+ "<tr><th>Número da Carta:</th><td>"+feat.Numero+"</td></tr>"+ "<tr><th>Título da Carta:</th><td>"+feat.Titulo+"</td></tr>"+ "<tr><th>Edição:</th><td>"+feat.Ediciao+"</td></tr>"+...
  3. Julierme

    Copying text from a PDF to Groupbox

    Dear all I am writing a code using Visual Basic 2008 Express Edition. I am using many Groupboxes for several Forms. I have to copy text from a pdf to the Groupbox. The problem I am facing is that the text has many lines and when I copy them, the Groupbox gets only the first line. Is there any...
  4. Julierme

    Reading KML with VBScript

    Thank you all for the attention and great support to my questions. Many thanks to VulcanJedi guitarzan and strongm, you got the point of my problem and gave me the right tips. Thank you very much for the patience and great support "ADODB.Stream" That was it!!!!
  5. Julierme

    Reading KML with VBScript

    Hi strongm My code has three goals: 1 - Read line by line from naufra.kml (See MyFile in the code) 2 - Start writing a new KML file (Ge.kml) from header to footer. Ge.kml has SOME information read in naufra kml. (For that I need to read line by line from naufra.kml and write in Ge.kml (See...
  6. Julierme

    Reading KML with VBScript

    Hi strongm How can I read line by line from the naufra.kml using a ADO stream? And How I can write a line from the naufra.kml? I was using this: 'To read Lines: ReadLineTextFile = MyFile.ReadLine 'To write Lines: MyFile.WriteLine "VBScript".
  7. Julierme

    Reading KML with VBScript

    Hi strongm I need to go into the kml naufra and read the special characters from a piece of string. Next, I need to store these characters in a variable and save in new kml GE, created on the code. The code goes into kml naufra, reads line by line and find the NOBJNM which has special...
  8. Julierme

    Reading KML with VBScript

    Hi strongm Thank you for your attention. I tried creating the ADO stream, but I was not succssesful. That's what I wrote before the ADO: Const ForReading = 1, ForWriting = 2 'THESE TWO NEXT LINES READS A KML Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") Set MyFile =...
  9. Julierme

    Reading KML with VBScript

    Hi Guitarzan Thank you for your patience I undestood your code. But my problem is beyond just checking wheter or not a tex file has a special character. That is the real issue. I have a kml which has the following line: <description><![CDATA[<html><body><table...
  10. Julierme

    Reading KML with VBScript

    Another point: How can I read special character from a txt file?
  11. Julierme

    Reading KML with VBScript

    Hi Guitarzan Thank you for your prompt reply. I wast my mistake while writing the e-mail. My code has the same response as yours. However this is not a good way to work, because the code reads special characters and converts in junk special characters. I need to keep the special characters...
  12. Julierme

    Reading KML with VBScript

    Hi VulcanJedi Thank you for your reply. That is the problem: my code has a variable named "nome". The code reads a string from a KML file and stores in "nome" When the string has a special character such those found on the Standard CHR Values, the variable "nome" cannot store the special...
  13. Julierme

    Reading KML with VBScript

    Dear VBscript programmers My code is reading a string with a special character, "Ã", from a KML file. After reading, it is wrinting in a TXT file and another KML file. However, after reading, the code converts automatically the special character: "Ã" to "Ã" "Ç" to "Ç" "Ó" to "Ó" And So...

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