Nothing new from them. We have a programmer coming in later in the month to go through it. We do indeed have a pg up / pg down. We can page down several pages until we hit 176 checks. Since we are displaying customer names on that screen and that is being fed from a custom interface I...
Our precise version is 3.60.453
The check pick up leads to the SLU screen for us. We then have style options to pick from.
Your test sure looked valid to us. The only difference we could think of is that we are displaying names rather than check numbers. However, I can't think of any reason that would effect this. MICROS finally got back to us and we spoke with a programmer and he stated that the...
Well, that sure looks like it is working on your end. That's reassuring. That means something will let it work. I will test your check number field again tomorrow just to make sure I tested it correctly. Even if that's not the culprit I'm happy to see that it is possible!
Agreed on all fronts. However, if we separate the servers then the overachievers will see that they are not getting their share of the pool. Sounds silly (and a bit unfair) but it is a real concern. For the time being we are stuck closing checks on an hourly basis which hurts our efficiency...
True. Good memory. You can change the check detail size in there. Unfortunately that is the amount of detail for one check. We actually need number of open checks increased.
They are not closing their tables. We have guests that will stay from noon till 8pm. By 2pm we are past the maximum number of viewable checks so the servers end up opening more and more checks when they can't find the open checks.
Micros 9700 ver. 3.6
We have run into an issue with keeping tickets open. We run a large bar and we keep several hundred tickets open at any given time. All servers use the same login since we do tip pooling. Therefore, we have discovered an interesting and quite painful system limit that I am hoping someone can...
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