I have question, our aloha is printing 2 servers checkout reports all the time, how to set it up so it prints only one?
And is there some way to set up adjusting tip so servers can see what credit card was adjusted especially if tip is cash and its credit card tip is $0, so it may show in...
is there also any way to find servers tip before running check out, but without doing report in BOH?
And Set different prices for sandwiches for lunch and dinner without making different submenus?
thanks that worked, why event Set server menu to ..... doesnt work?
Also few more questions:
How to set up hostess to run servers check ( with credit card) but servers have to adjust that credit card tip by them self.
I had it set up but when cashier close check with C/C they had to adjust...
Can someone help out here, I'm new to aloha POS , Have aloha POS 6.5.12
trying to set up Events to change at different time menus, for restaurant, I have b-fast, lunch and dinner menu set up, also events are set for daily at 06:00 14:15 and 17:15 but menus never change. Any ideas, or help...
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