I'm looking for the path of least resistance (don't want to cause more problems than I'm fixing) while I'm stabilizing and rewriting pre-existing systems. Given the lack of experience this guy had in a multi-user environment, I already have routines to parse tables and standardize mixed data...
What's the best way to impose formatting in a grid that saves the special characters back to a free table's char field in VFP6.
Let's say I want to use 3 types...
1). Phone number (800) 555-1212
2). Social Security Number 123-45-6789
3). Zip Code 08102-5102
I want the characters to...
Hello Olaf,
There are four of these schedule grids - two had the identical field and columns added but I must have inadvertently erased the control source from the column so it didn't match the text box. What I found so unsettling was the column "retained" the date formatting from the...
Right neighborhood - wrong street. The control source property of that new column was blank - it did not contain the same reference as the text box down below it. I thought I had drilled down every column in that grid checking already - I must have wiped it out somewhere along the way... I...
I'm working on a VFP6 app I inherited and I've come across something I can't reconcile.
The grid's record has the usual mix of text, numeric, dates, and a few check boxes in it. I added a field in the underlying table for a phone number (14 char) with no formatting and added it at the end of...
After testing, the best way to isolate this menu problem (in these apps) was to place the READ EVENTS in the Cleanup code section on the menu (which was a misleading term for the section as you pointed out) in place of the DO WHILE loop to alleviate the loop running endlessly ("flailing") and...
Hey GriffMG,
Just noticed your signature line - good one! Mind if i borrow it? I spent some time on an electronics diagnostic unit circa early 80's. Always flipping back and forth between binary, Hex and base 10 on display panels. My kid's (ages like 4 & 6 then) used to think I way crazy...
I'd like to thank Olaf, Tamar and Dan for their persistent help through this puzzling design and the hidden CPU Utilization Rate on minimized windows. My former co-worker sounds an awful lot like Dan's old nemesis. This guy wrote like he came off the farm back when FoxPro was running on DOS...
Olaf & company,
If it weren't for the understaffing and backlog of work I'm facing, I think it might be better to redesign this system launch via a proper prg and DO FORM followed bythe READ EVENTS and closing cleanup code I usually use. I'm going to throw this whole mess out there in case...
Appreciate all of the input - I know it's not the SYSMENU but I'm still trying to isolate it to figure out what's running. This does not happen on anu of the apps I've written with the standard base form launched from a prg and a read events statement. This is only occurring with a few apps I...
Thanks Dan, I'll look into that but I stumbled across something unexpected.
If I launch the app with the task manager open, it starts up and goes to 0% CPU Utilization. If I minimize the app or put the focus onto another panel, the CPU Utilization goes through the roof. Why would it spike...
Hi Olaf,
Just noticed the second of your two reply postings. That's what I was wondering - how can SYSMENU peg the CPU Utilization when it's just a screen with a menu hanging from it after the logon form loads and disappears after logon. Think I'll backtrack into the logon form load/unload...
We've got over 500 employees spread out over various systems here. Given the lack of structure and design in his programs and reports, I've got my work cut out for me taming these systems and getting them to perform reliably. They've been crashing for years here and I spent the last three years...
Hello Olaf,
You hit the proverbial nail on the head - 25% usage on every scheduling system and they're running on a quad-core.
The original developer probably learned on FoxPro or VFP 3 in the early 90's - He uses all of the _SCREEN settings:
set sysm off
_screen.windowstate = 2...
I've inherited a few old applications written in VFP6 from the 90's. The _screen is referenced with no base level form in place, A bitmap background is displayed, and it uses the VFP _SYSMENU by replacing its own menu for _SYSMENU. We noticed a problem with the CPU Utilization rate - there...
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