Thank´s everybody, I finaly discover my problem. I was trying to send the firmware over HTTPS. Then today I decided to teste over ftp. With FTP the firmware was send perfectly.
Donb01, did you try send over FTP?
Sorry sbcsu, I can´t find the processo to do this migration.
TIgerV, I tried that, but IT doesn´t work. I have to rename the update to some especific file name on the usb stick?
I think that we need to do intermediary updates: The last for each Rx Vx release.
for example in my case that is the version V2 R1.16.0:
1) V2 R1.28.0
2) V2 R2.48.0
3) V3 R0.73.0
4) V3 R1.50.0
Althou it´s possible that we only need the V2 R2.48.0.
Sbcsu, it´s possible to give us any of those...
Thanks a lot sbcsu,
But the problem is how to upgrade that thing. I work with network equipament from at least 15 years, I´m venturing in voip world now, but I dind´t find a way to upgrade to this firmware. My phone is right now version R2 R1.16.0. When I try to send the file over "Transfer...
I tried to register, but it´s no good.
The other site that you sugest doesn´t have the firmware.
I need anu V3 versions, because V2 (that I have) is not compatible with Asterix.
Thanks for the quickly answer
Hi, I´m trying to configure an OpenStage 60 sip phone on my asterix server, the problem is that the firmware I have is not compatible with asterix, and because of this I need any firmware version >= V3.
I can´t download it from siemens, because I do not a contract.
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