#The makefile
# 32-bit or 64-bit?
BITS = 32
#BITS = 64
# Location of source files for FAST, AeroDyn, InflowWind, and the NWTC Library.
# You will probably need to change these for your system.
ifeq ($(OS),Windows_NT)
NWTC_LIB_DIR= /Users/sharma/stuff/NWTC/NWTC/Source
Hi All
I am trying to compile a makefile with ifortran on a REDHAT Linux machine.
Before compilation, I had to compile several other makefiles (to create necessary libraries). I could compile them without error. But as you can see below, when I try to compile the given makefile, I get some...
Thank you. At first it gave me error (I had seen the error before) and then I substitute the libraries to the following:
LDIRS=-L/home/behnam/Pardiso LDIRS=-L/usr/lib
and then it worked perfectly.
Thank you very much!
Meanwhile, I study the web-page you introduced.
Thank you salgerman
Could you please refer me to some books or websites? I have already tried to find some related material but they are either too basic (like making some very simple makefiles) or too complicated.
By the way, I noted the your watch out list and almost all are examined and I...
Thanks xwb
I changed that and still get the same errors:
behnam@meen-392430:~/testing$ make -n
gfortran -fopenmp pardiso_1.f -o pardiso_1
behnam@meen-392430:~/testing$ make clean
rm -f *.o *.exe fort.* *~ *.mod
behnam@meen-392430:~/testing$ make
gfortran -fopenmp pardiso_1.f -o...
I have a fortran code (pardiso_1.f) and it needs some libraries (BLAS, lapack and Pardiso libraries) to be compiled. When I try to compile it, I link libraries before compilation and I write this line in linux terminal:
gfortran pardiso_1.f -L/home/behnam/Pardiso -lpardiso412-GNU450-X86-64...
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