After I tried this, the last names did not change. After some testing, I found that cell.Text was returning a null value. I can't figure out why the values for the last names are coming through as just text. When I try to convert the value using CStr, I get a type mismatch error. Since the cell...
I tried both suggestions and I still get a Type Mismatch error. I feel that the cell.Value is not coming through as a string value for some reason thus the Left command is not working.
Updated my script and I feel like I'm getting close. After running the script with PHV's snippet, I got a Type Mismatch error on the line: If cell.Value > " " Then
My first thought is that I'm comparing text and the > will not work. So I thought to use StrComp instead. The conditional seems to...
Thanks PVH for pointing me in the right direction. I will work on it today.
Skip, that was as far as I got. I didn't know how to code the last part. I was using REPLACE, LEFT & MID on the objRange instead of the cell values. Now I know I need attack the cell values and not just the selected column.
Here's my code, thanks for any assistance!
Set objExcel = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
objExcel.DisplayAlerts = False
strWB = "D:\content\Tournament."
Set objWorkbook = objExcel.Workbooks.Open(strWB & "xls")
I have a script that opens an Excel document and I would like to have it take the values of the last name column and replace them with just the first character. I have created a objRange for the column and tried using REPLACE, LEFT & MID with no luck. I will post my script when I get back to...
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