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Search results for query: *

  1. 2009luca

    difficult to crteate a query very complicated

    strongm, work perfect... But the user can see the price by date to date, and the related period example: admit have "25/08/2024" to "07/09/2024" price from 25/08/2024 to 31/08/2024 a price for SINGOLA price from 01/09/2024 to 07/09/2024 a price for SINGOLA possible? note: in this case the...
  2. 2009luca

    difficult to crteate a query very complicated

    for strongm You have understand my question! Yes my database is Access For now use only a STRUTTURA=MARE Yes, possible date from for example: myvarfrom=07/06/2024 myvarto=14/11/2024 ...yea, now i see your face:)
  3. 2009luca

    difficult to crteate a query very complicated

    this table contain a price list of room. DAL and AL is the period (from>to) PREZZO is the price Based myvarfrom="05/06/2024 and myvarto="15/06/2024" and myvaroom="SINGOLA" how to calculate the price of the living room note: Naturally myvarfrom and myvarto and myvaroom is dinamic
  4. 2009luca

    checkbox on msflex grid

    Private Sub MSFlexGrid1_Click() Dim I As Integer With MSFlexGrid1 If .Col = 0 Then If .CellPicture = picChecked Then Set .CellPicture = picUnchecked '.TextMatrix(.Row, 34) = "S" Else Set...
  5. 2009luca

    SET FOCUS on treeview node

    My code: Private Sub CONTA_COMUNI() Dim MYNODE As Node Dim NRTOT As Long VALORE = "004017" NRTOT = 0 For Each MYNODE In Me.TreeView1.nodes If MYNODE.children = 0 Then NRTOT = NRTOT + 1 ISTAT = Split(MYNODE, "-")(0)...
  6. 2009luca

    SET focus on node treeview

    possible when i lick on a node to dont set focus the node? actually when i click on node the node is covered with a blue rectangle, i dont love tath... https://files.engineering.com/getfile.aspx?folder=9cc39e69-fce6-4dde-b28f-d988e8205f12&file=Immagine.gif
  7. 2009luca

    i dont view any icon durin node add

    tKS strongm, resolved with a rem on: .Style = tvwTreelinesPlusMinusText
  8. 2009luca

    i dont view any icon durin node add

    part of code when add the frist node: ... With Me.TreeView1 'LockWindowUpdate .hwnd M = 0 .LineStyle = tvwRootLines Set Me.TreeView1.ImageList = Me.ImageList1 .Style = tvwTreelinesPlusMinusText .nodes.Clear Set NOD =...
  9. 2009luca

    CHECK color of shape

    Hi strongm, i sse te code use down click, possible with mouse move? Note: all shape are in array, similar: shp(0) shp(1) ecc...
  10. 2009luca

    GET splitted value from node and sub node in treeview

    Based a click on each node with a splitted value "-" of node i need to get the left part of node...(i think is a (0) item of splitted value) for example click on 1-NORD-OVEST i need 1 for example click on 1-PIEMONTE i need 1 for example click on AL-ALESSANDRIA i need AL ... for example click on...
  11. 2009luca

    USE find instead to loop

  12. 2009luca

    COUNT all items in trteeview in last level

    How to count COUNT all items in trteeview in last level? tks
  13. 2009luca

    CHECK color of shape

    i have a series of shape, similar shp(0), shp(1)... shp(N) on label 1. Possible to check with mouse move on restricted area of label1 the color of shape and the index of single shape shp(n)? note: i can have only tree color: 'VERDE &H0000C000& 'ARANCIONE &H000080FF& 'ROSSO &H000000FF&...
  14. 2009luca

    graph with access database - im on vb6

    Hi strong, if you see in the form(chart.zip) are present 30 shape. Is possible via code to create instead the current 30 shapes a dinamic number of shape for example 47 shapes, started for the shape array(0)?
  15. 2009luca

    graph with access database - im on vb6

    TKS strong. only one... possible to paint the bar in green for positive bar number, and in red negative bar number?
  16. 2009luca

    graph with access database - im on vb6

    hI strong, use the best and symple way to do tath. A msgraph is the same. Tks
  17. 2009luca

    graph with access database - im on vb6

    peraph is your first your help for me... (bho) three question... -1 in my case the current project have a fixed 30 shape, in my access the fields are 74... how to create dinamiclly the shape element -2 in my case i can have a negative number in PERC, in this case the shape it must go below and...
  18. 2009luca

    graph with access database - im on vb6

    I ned to rapresent in a graph the value ANNO and PERC... Possible? https://files.engineering.com/getfile.aspx?folder=67bcff12-5d93-44ce-9255-af56b4ce8106&file=TEST.zip

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